Who is that mysterious someone?

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*Next day on their way to the school*

Nobita and Doraemon are on their way to the school and at that moment Doraemon says..

Doraemon: I am soo excited to meet the person Shizuka was talking about yesterday...

Nobita: why are you so excited about meeting that person, and when did shizuka even talk about anyone other than saying she's goona make us meet her someone special?

Doraemon: ohh don't tell me you were zoning out when she was talking about that person?

Nobita: when was she even talking about someone..

Doraemon: oh so you were definitely zooning out and didn't hear her out carefully.. did you?

Nobita: I guess... But whom she was talking about?

Doraemon: oh lets talk about that later or you can directly meet that person in the cafeteria. And here we reached the school now get outside.

Nobita: okay I am going, and suneo must be in class as it is already getting late soo byee brother....

Doraemon: bye bye baby brother (with teasing smile on his face)

Nobita: only if I wasn't getting late I would have shown you the consequences (said while being annoyed 😤)

With that Nobita walked in side the school building, and Doraemon parked the car and went inside his building for his classes...

*Scene changes- to the classroom*

As soon as Nobita entered the classrrom he spotted Suneo talking with Dekisugi

Nobita(thinking): first my crush and now my bestie!! I need to do something of this boy (while glaring at Dekisugi).


When Dekisugi saw Nobita coming inside the class he got a lil happy but later saw him glaring like yesterday again.

Dekisugi (thought): why is he glaring at me since yesterday, or is there something on my face? let me check...(and roamed is hand around his face)

Suneo: what happened Dekisugi why are you unnecessarily touching your face..?

Dekisugi saw Suneo looking at him so he (Dekisugi) thought of asking him if there is something in his face or not.

Dekisugi: umm Suneo?

Suneo: yess?

Dekisugi: do you see something stuck on my face?

Suneo: umm wait let me check..

Saying that he started looking at Dekisugi's face carefully and said...

Suneo: no there is nothing? Why did you asked that?

Dekisugi: oh nothing.. it's just I felt that something might be there.. look Nobita is here.

Suneo turned around to see Nobita standing near the door zooning out again and maybe glaring at someone too..

But suneo decided I shrug it of and waved for Nobita to look at him...

Nobita saw suneo waving his hand and went near him and took a seat  beside him.

Nobita: hello goodmorning 'which is not good anymore after seeing a certain someone' (thought Nobita after glancing over Dekisugi again..)

Both of them: good morning

With that their teacher came and started teaching them..

And the whole time Nobita was thinking about how he will confess his love to shizuka while the on the other hand suneo was focusing on class and Dekisugi was focused both on class and on Nobita.

*Time skip- inside the cafeteria*

All of them were settled down with their food waiting for shizuka and the person she was gonna make them all meet.

Gian: why isn't shizuka here yet I am soo eager to meet her..

Nobita: huh? Who is her now?

Gian: the special person Shizuka wants us to meet, ohh my how much I am dying to meet her..

And here Suneo looked at Gian swiftly annoyed by the amount of time Gian is talking about that girl, which got noticed by none.

Dekisugi: com'on Gian let Shizuka take her time to take that person here...

And here we go again, Nobita again started with his glares game at Dekisugi but soon got interrupted when Shizuka came inside the cafeteria with a girl walking beside her hand in hand and reached near them...
After settling down herself(shizuka) and the girl whom she came with and ordering their good, shizuka spoke.

Shizuka: soo guys  as I told you all yesterday that I want to make you all meet the special person of my life,  this is that special someone, Arin  my girlfriend whom I love the most....

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