Self doubt???

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At Doraemon and Nobita's house...

Inside Nobita's room....

Nobita was seated on his bed thinking about the things he heard in the halways....


Nobita was having his ice cream which Suneo bought for him, he was alone right now walking towards the class room as Suneo had some work with Gian...

(An: maybe they are making out 🙂... Who knows)

While walking towards the class he heard some students talking with each other in groups.. well he was t intrested in their talks until he hears his and Suneo's name in their conversation...

Boy1: I don't know why is Suneo with that ugly Nobita... Like just look at Suneo, he is rich handsome and what not.... But only flaw in him is he is with Nobita... Like how are they even this close...

Girl1: I know right, they aren't even good match for each other...

Boy2: I heard from some where that Nobita is with Suneo because he is rich...

Girl2: well isn't it obvious... We all can see how expensive those gifts are which Suneo gave to Nobita, and in return Nobita wore that funky dress rather than giving him gift...

Boy3: I never knew gold diggers also exists in friendship...

Boy1: who knew that anyways... But we all can see that Nobita is so clever at these things... He makes Suneo gift him those things and never rejects them...

Girl2: yeahhh few days ago I saw Suneo making Nobita wear a expensive watch... Like being for real that watch fucking costs 50 thousands dollar... (Approx 40 lacs in Indian rupees)...

Nobita took a look at the watch he was wearing with widden eyes ...

Girl1: what?? Really?? When did that happen...

Boy1: it's been 2-3 days I guess...

Boy3: woaahhh!! that watch is sooo hella expensive!!

Boy2: Nobita is really something to manipulate Suneo so well....

(An: these bitches are jealous of my Nobita and Suneo's friendship 😤 I will kick them out of my story of something happens between them...)

Nobita was listening to all these conversations while standing behind a pillar... Suddenly he felt a tap on his shoulder which made him flinch... He turned around to see Suneo...

Suneo: you haven't reached class yet?? What are you doing here by the way....

Nobita: umm nothing, actually I was thinking about something... Come let's go to class....

Suneo: yess let's go...

With that both of them went to the class, while passing by that group which was all silent now...

Back to present-

He looked at his watch once again...

Nobita: do they really think I am a gold digger?? How can they think I am using Suneo??

With that a tear left from his eyes... Followed by many more tears...

Nobita: how can they judge our friendship like this?? Few days ago they were making us couple, and after every one got to know about Gian and Suneo are in a relationship now, they are thinking that my friendship is nothing but just an act...

He was a crying message till now... His heart was pouring out thinking about all of those things... After crying his heart out he slept on the bed in an uncomfortable position...


2 hours later...

Now it was 6 pm... Nobita was still sleeping while his mother was shouting her lungs out for him...

In the living room...

Nobita's mother was still calling for Nobita as Dekisugi was seated in the couch waiting for him to come...

Mom: aish!! Where is this boy?? Why isn't he answering me yet?

Dekisugi: it's okay aunty I will tell Nobita about it tomorrow...

Mom: no Dekisugi you have came from so far, you can go to his room maybe he is sleeping that is why he is t responding back... You go to his room and I will bring this tray with me...

Dekisugi: no!! It's okay aunty I will take this tray by myself... You don't need to stress yourself for me...

Mom: aww son you are such a caring boy... Okay you go to Nobita's room...

Dekisugi: thankyou aunty...

And Dekisugi went towards Nobita's room....

Dekisugi soon reached near Nobita's room and knocked on his door... But no one was answering the door... For a second he thought of he should really go inside or not... But at the end of the day he did as he can't delay his work anymore....

So he hesitantly tried to open the door... And to his surprise the door was open... So he did not waste any more time and opened the door and went inside the room before saying...

Dekisugi: Nobita I am coming inside the room..

After entering inside the room he saw a peacefully sleeping Nobita... So he went near him and sat on the bed admiring his baby's face...

Dekisugi: why are you so beautiful Nobita?? Aish I can't control this stupid heart of mine...

He placed his hand on his left chest, and said with a small smile... But his smile faded away after he saw tear stains on Nobita's cheeks... He slowly touched Nobita's cheeks... But for his dismay Nobita woke up by the sudden touch...

Nobita: uh huh who was that??

After coming back to his sense Nobita saw Dekisugi standing near the bed...

Nobita: ohh!! Dekisugi you are here...

Dekisugi: yea- (got cut off)


Dekisugi: it's okay Nobita... By the way why are there tear stains on your cheeks...

(An: are you dumb or what bish?? There are tears stains because he was crying obviously)

Nobita: what?

Dekisugi motioned him to take a look at the mirror.. and Nobita did... Later his eyes went wide as he saw tear stains.... He was about to run towards the washroom but Dekisugi held his hand not letting him go away..

Then Dekisugi made Nobita sit on the bed and held his hands before saying...

Dekisugi: can you please tell me why were you crying?? It's okay if you are not comfortable talking about it with me...

Nobita suddenly burst out in tears again before saying...

Nobita: do I really deserve being a friend of you all??



Heyyoooooo cutiessss,

Here we go with another chapter of 'In love with my enemy'

Hope you all liked this chapter....

Do vote and comment on your favourite part.....

Btw sometimes I really hate the characters I creat... Like i feel that I should just remove them from the story already....

And Thankyou all for your love and support...

Now, Byeee byeee see you in next chapter...

Till then stay tuned...

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