what's this feeling??

301 23 42

Arin: guys!! Now that we all are awake let's get freshen up and have breakfast....

After listening this Suneo, Gian, Kenji, and Nobita ran towards their room....

The other four also went towards their room....

In Nobita's room...

After brushing teeth and taking bath Nobita came out of the bathroom fully dressed...

Then Nobita sat on the bed thinking about the morning incident...

Nobita: why would Dekisugi say something like that.. and why was I soo odly comfortable with him... It's not like I was this close to him from start, it just happened recently after Shizuka introduced Arin to us...

Nobita took a deep sigh...

Nobita: I even thought he was my rival since the very first day....

Nobita: Ugghhhh!! whyyy in the chocolate fudge am I feeling sooo weird around him these days... (he said while messing his hair up)

Nobita: something is really wrong with me!! I need to ask either Suneo or Doraemon about this, because if I won't ask them, then I will become a mad man for sure....

Nobita stood up from the bed saying..

Nobita: yesss!! They might know what is happening to me...

(An: dumbo just get the signal already man!! 🤦)

Nobita then heard a light knock on the door followed by Kenji's voice...

Kenji: Nobita!! The breakfast is ready.. come to the dinning room faster... We are waiting for you...

With that Kenji left from there...

And Nobita also went downstairs towards the dinning room....

After reaching the dining area, he saw lots of food placed on table...

Doraemon: ohh Nobita you are here.... Come sit we were waiting for you...

Nobita settled down beside Doraemon and asked..

Nobita: who ordered so many food??

Suneo: no one ordered food.. it's all home made...

Nobita: WHAT??? Really??

Gian: yess!!

Nobita: then who prepared them??

Doraemon: Ofc it was me, Gian, Dekisugi, Suneo and Shizuka.. you all were taking forever just to shower...

Nobita: yeahh yeahh!! Like if I was here then you would have let me help you...

Doraemon : nahhh never!!

(An: that's how my sister rants me about my cooking skills, which isn't even considered cooking 😭😭😭)

Nobita: then shut up and let me eat....

With that Nobita started eating...

Dekisugi came and sat on the other side of Nobita serving himself some food....

(An: the seat beside Nobita is always reserved for Dekisugi...😤)

Nobita: where were you, when I came down... (Said while stuffing his mouth as usual)

Dekisugi: I went to change my clothes...

Nobita: why what happened to the previous ones...

Dekisugi: my tshirt got some food stains as I couldn't find any extra  apron...

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