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Next day- in school...

In the cafeteria-

Now every one was eating- wait not just eating but cringing over 2 people....

(An: guess who??)


Well yesss it's Gian and Suneo... Right now Gian is sitting beside Suneo and is trying to feed him by his hands... And Suneo being Suneo, he is throwing tantrums...

Gian: Suneo here eat your favorite noodles, I specially ordered this for you...

Suneo: I am already full Gian, I can't eat anymore...

Gian: comeon Suneo you haven't even eaten anything yet... Here eat this... Say ahh...

Suneo finally opened his mouth and Gian fed him some noodles...

(An: ewww this is so cringe how am I even writing this??)

Nobita: guys I want to eat my food peacefully,...

Kenji: if they do this thing once again I will puke on their face for sure...

Doraemon: I regret making them together...

Nobita & Kenji: us bro us...

Arin: shut up you all!! Just take a look at them... They both are looking so cute together... (She said squealing in happiness)

Doraemon, Kenji, and Nobita made a face as if they will puke any moment...

Shizuka: yess they do look soo cute together...

Kenji: only you both find it cute... Hell no way they are looking cute to me...

Nobita: me too

Doraemon: me three


Gian: no body asked for your opinion so please shut up...

Dekisugi: I never thought I will ever see Gian like this...

Doraemon: he is love sick brooo, we can't help him...

Dekisugi: well I just thought you were courting Suneo?? Then how are you both this much close to each other ...

Gian: huh, 😏 that's secret bro...

Nobita: i want to know what that secret is that I don't know Suneo...

Suneo: it's nothing bro....

Nobita: really?? Then why are you sweating soo much huh?? (Nobita asked while wiggling his eyebrows to tease Suneo)

(An: who will tell them that they have already kissed eachother, this much closeness is nothing in front of that....)

Suneo: it's nothing brooo... Now let's go we have to go to class already....

With that he pulled Nobita's hand and started pulling him towards the exit of the canteen...

Nobita: broo let me finish my first, we still have 10 mins before our classes start...

Suneo: you ate enough food already... If you still feel hungry later i will buy you lots of food, now keep your mouth shut and quietly come with me...

Nobita: really!! Okay then later but me, chocolate brownies and some chocolate milkshake...

Suneov okayy I will buy you them...

Nobita: yayyyy!!

On the other hand-

Doraemon: don't we give him enough food at home that he always melts whe ever food is offered.... I can't believe this kid...

Kenji: why do I sometimes feel like we are the ones third wheeling them...

Arin: I really doubt Suneo is dating Gian... Like seriously they both look more of a couple than me and Shizuka who are in relationship with each other since 2 years now ...

Doraemon: I have been saying this for days but no one listens to me...

Shizuka: guysss stop saying these things... It's just they have been each other's bestfriend since 11 years now... Isn't it obvious they will be this close with each other and know every thing about each other...

Gian: well Shizuka is right... They have been with each other soo long, like they literally saw each other growing, so there is a possibility they will be this close to each other...

Doraemon: Gian? Is that really you?? Like first time in these 3 years I have never seen you this calm....

Gian it's because I trust my Suneo... And even if there was something in between us there is no way in heaven Nobita would have tried to set us up ...

Doraemon: wahhhh!! I am pleased to hear this coming from you....

Arin: but do you all know that there are rumours going on, about Nobita and Suneo dating...

Dekisugi: who even cares about those shitty rumours... It's just their friendship is so pure that other people are making things up....

The bell rang indicating that the break time is over and they all need to go to their classes now....

Shizuka: the break is over so I guess we need to head back to our class...

Dekisugi: yeahh let's go guys...

Doraemon: hmm byeee...

Kenji: byeeee guyssss...

Gian: yeahhh byee guys....



Heyyoooooo cutiessss,

Here we go with another chapter of 'In love with my enemy'

Hope you all liked this chapter....

Do vote and comment on your favourite part.....

I know it is a short chapter, sorry for that!! but I can't help 😅, I am posting this chapter while being in middle of a family function... And the noise in background isn't helping me to think at all, my brain is t braining with my 3-4 year old cousins, like hell they are so irritating... So please bare with it....

I know this chapter is gonna be shit...😭😭😭

And now, Byeee byeee see you in next chapter...

Till then stay tuned...

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