I wont go anywhere...

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(Dekisugi's house)

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(Dekisugi's house)

Dekisugi entered inside his house and saw his parents in the living room talking with eachother....

So he went towards them...

(Dekisugi's mom- Mrs. H & Dekisugi's dad- Mr. H)

Dekisugi: hello mom and dad... (Said while going towards them and hugging them lightly)

Mrs. H: ohh you are back son... How was your day??

Dekisugi: it's was good mom.. see I even bought something for you...

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(An: I have no idea what we can buy for our parents on normal days so I just chooses this

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(An: I have no idea what we can buy for our parents on normal days so I just chooses this.. soo no one's gonna comment on this)

Mrs. H: wow it's soo beautiful!! (She said with voice full of excitement)

Mr. H: it's good...

Dekisugi: hmm, I will come back after freshing myself up....

Mr. H: okayy come fast we have a talk while having dinner...

Dekisugi: Dad I have told you my decision already....

Mr. H: I said, we will talk about it while having dinner...

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