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The Grants were an illustrious Slytherin pureblood family, revered and envied in the wizarding world for their immense wealth and influence. As owners of sprawling enterprises, they were ranked among the top five wealthiest wizarding families of the century. Their prominence extended into the Ministry of Magic, where they held influential positions, which further boosted their status in society. Beyond their affluence and wealth, the Grants were known for their formidable magical prowess. Descendants of a long line of powerful wizards, they inherited unique abilities that made them among the most potent in the magical realm.

Y/N Grants, the youngest scion of the venerable Grants family, was particularly exceptional. One of three children born to Circe Grants, Y/N inherited her forebears' remarkable gifts in an unprecedented measure. By the tender age of nine months, she exhibited magical resistance, a rare feat that foreshadowed her extraordinary capabilities. By six, she was practicing wandless magic, and soon after, she discovered her clairvoyant abilities, which allowed her to foresee future events. As she grew, her repertoire of magical skills continued to expand.

Her mother, Cataleya Grants, however, was acutely aware of the dangers her daughter's abilities could attract. A prophecy delivered by Sybill Trelawney foretold that a descendant of the Grants would possess the power to aid the chosen one in vanquishing the dark forces plaguing the wizarding world. Believing Y/N to be the subject of this prophecy, Cataleya was determined to shield her daughter's gifts from the outside world, keeping them confined within the walls of the Grants manor.

Despite these precautions, Y/N's presence was palpable to all who encountered her. Raised in the lap of luxury, she was both spoiled by her family and adored by outsiders. Her life was a whirlwind of attention and privilege. When her acceptance letter from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry arrived on her eleventh birthday, her family's joy knew no bounds. They eagerly anticipated her years at Hogwarts, where they expected her to blossom from a prodigious young magician into a formidable witch, destined perhaps to fulfill the prophecy that hovered over her lineage.

Y/N found herself cocooned in the soft, silky embrace of her king-sized bed, feeling minuscule amidst its expanse. A radiant smile graced her lips as she cradled her Hogwarts letter against her pounding heart, anticipation painting her features. Lost in daydreams of the adventures that awaited her and cherished moments soon to be spent with her best friend, her thoughts swirled with visions of the new beginning looming on the horizon. However, her reverie was interrupted by a gentle knock on her door, pulling her back to the present moment.

"Come in," she called, her voice tingling with anticipation. The door knob turned deliberately, the door creaking open to reveal her older sister, Aurora, a striking brunette ,with two green emeralds for eyes, of nineteen summers. Aurora glided across the room with graceful steps and sat beside her on the vast expensive bed.

"Y/N, Mother wanted me to remind you that dinner will be held at the manor tonight to celebrate my graduation," Aurora said, her fingers idly combing through her silky tresses. Her voice carried a hint of excitement mingled with the weight of the evening's significance.

"I'm aware," Y/N replied with an eye roll, her tone laced with youthful sass.

"I actually came to warn you that we'll be hosting several esteemed Slytherin families, including some influential Ministry officials," Aurora continued, her voice stern yet affectionate. "And your naughty little best friend will be there, so I expect both of you to behave. No pranks during my celebration, please."

"Don't worry, Aurora. We're not children anymore," Y/N responded, her voice soft yet firm, a smile audible in her gentle reassurance. "Remember, I received my Hogwarts letter just last week."

"How could I forget?" Aurora chuckled warmly. "You must be thrilled, yet a bit anxious?"

"Just a tad nervous," Y/N admitted, massaging the back of her neck.

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