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On September 1st, the atmosphere at King's Cross was filled with the usual mix of excitement and chaos as students of all ages hustled to catch the Hogwarts Express. Harry and y/n were no exception, eagerly anticipating their return to Hogwarts for their fifth year.

This year, they were joined by Cataleya, Aurora, and Aiden, who had come to see them off. The platform buzzed with the magic of fresh starts and reunions, making the air crackle with energy. Aiden, still feeling the recent loss, managed a smile as he watched the younger ones buzz with anticipation. Aurora, ever the protective sister, adjusted y/n's cloak, while Cataleya shared a few last-minute words of advice, reminding them to stay safe and look out for each other. The last hugs were heartfelt, promises to write often were made, and with final waves, Harry and y/n boarded the train, ready for the new school year and whatever adventures it might bring.

As they boarded the train, y/n's gaze instinctively swept through the crowd, searching for the distinctive flash of platinum blonde hair among the sea of students. While Harry, eager to reunite with his close friends, quickly found Hermione and Ron and disappeared into their warm, familiar embrace, y/n made her way to a compartment filled with her Slytherin friends—Pansy, Theo, Blaise, Crabbe, Goyle, and Hope.

Settling into the cushioned seats of the Hogwarts Express, y/n pushed aside any lingering feelings of jealousy and envy, turning her attention to Hope. She noticed the slight pallor of Hope's face and the careful way she moved, a stark reminder of the chaos and danger from Aiden's wedding night.

"Hope, how are you holding up?" y/n asked with genuine concern, her tone soft but filled with an undercurrent of worry.

Hope managed a small smile, appreciating y/n's effort to bridge the gap between them. "Getting better every day, thanks to all the help," she replied, her voice a bit hoarse but steady. "It's just good to be going back to Hogwarts, feels like returning to a safer place, you know?"

Y/n nodded, understanding all too well the refuge that Hogwarts provided from the darker shades of the world outside.

"Hope, how do you feel about heading back to Hogwarts for your last year?" Pansy asked, leaning in with genuine interest.

Hope's eyes sparkled with a mix of excitement and nostalgia. "I'm excited to finally graduate and start a career, but I'll miss Hogwarts dearly. It's been my home for so long, and the thought of leaving is bittersweet."

Y/N listened intently, unable to help the small sense of relief that washed over her. Knowing that Hope would soon graduate and no longer be around Draco so much was a comforting thought. She had always felt a pang of insecurity when it came to Hope's close proximity to Draco, despite his reassurances.

"Any ideas on what you want to do after Hogwarts?" Theo inquired, genuinely curious.

Hope nodded, her smile growing. "I'm thinking of working in the Ministry, maybe in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. It feels like a place where I can make a real difference."

Y/N couldn't help but admire Hope's ambition, even as she felt that sense of relief deepen. She knew Hope wasn't a bad person, and despite any past feelings of envy, she was glad to see her looking forward to the future.

As the train chugged along, Y/N allowed herself to relax, enjoying the camaraderie of her friends and the sense of security that came with returning to Hogwarts. This year, she was determined to focus on her own goals and friendships, knowing that she and Draco were solid and that she had nothing to fear.

"Here's to a great year," Y/N said, raising an imaginary glass, a warm smile spreading across her face.

"To a great year," her friends echoed, laughter and optimism filling the compartment as they settled in for the journey ahead.

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