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In the lush ambiance of the Slytherin girls' dormitory, an air of excitement and nervous energy buzzed through the room, particularly around y/n, who was preparing for the Yule Ball with meticulous attention to detail. Pansy Parkinson, who was also getting ready for the ball to attend with Theodore Nott, flitted around y/n, offering tips and occasional compliments.

y/n stood in front of a large, ornate mirror, her dress for the evening laid out on her bed-a stunning, floor-length emerald gown that clung gracefully to her frame, enhancing her elegant silhouette. The gown was a gift from her mother, crafted from silk that shimmered under the light with every movement, reflecting y/n's affluent background and impeccable taste. Delicate silver embroidery adorned the bodice, swirling into intricate patterns that sparkled subtly, adding a touch of magic befitting the occasion.

Her hair was styled in a sophisticated updo, with a few loose curls framing her face to soften her features. The hairstyle was both chic and practical, allowing her the freedom to dance without worry. Pansy, applying her own dark eyeliner, paused to marvel at the transformation.

"You look absolutely breathtaking, y/n," Pansy exclaimed, her voice a blend of awe and envy. "That dress could probably buy out half of Knockturn Alley."

y/n laughed softly, a blush tinting her cheeks at the compliment. "Thanks, Pans. Your dress isn't half bad either," she responded, eyeing Pansy's sleek, black gown with genuine admiration.

The rich young witch chose a simple yet elegant pair of diamond earrings-another gift from her mother that sparkled with understated luxury.

As y/n finished getting ready, she spotted a small box on her dresser. Inside was the delicate, green velvet hair bow-the christmas gift from Draco during their first year. With a mix of nostalgia and sadness, she decided to wear it, attaching it prominently in her hair. If she couldn't attend the ball with Draco, at least a part of him would be with her through the bow.

With one final glance in the mirror, y/n felt a mix of excitement and nervous anticipation. She looked every part the enchanting debutante, ready to captivate the entire ball.

"Ready to go?" Pansy asked, her voice bubbling with excitement as she clutched her small, elegant clutch.

"Let's go make an entrance," y/n replied with a confident smile, her heart fluttering at the prospect of the night ahead. Together, they left the dorm, their heels clicking rhythmically against the stone floors as they made their way to join the festivities, leaving a trail of whispered admiration in their wake.

Just before they left, Pansy suddenly remembered, "Let's check on Hope."

They walked down the hall to Hope's room and found the door slightly ajar. Inside, an empty box lay on the bed, its delicate tissue paper scattered about. Next to it was a letter, beautifully handwritten, saying,

Dear Hope,

I hope this note finds you well and brings a smile to your face. I wanted to do something special for you, something to show how much I appreciate your presence and our time together. This dress is my gift to you for our own private Ball-a night I hope will be unforgettable for both of us.

I've always admired your grace, and I can't wait to see you in this dress, lighting up the evening with your beauty. You deserve nothing but the best, and I hope this gift shows just a fraction of how much you mean to me.

I'm looking forward to sharing this magical night with you.



At the end, the letter was signed with a simple "M."

Pansy picked up the letter and read it aloud. "M? Could that be Malfoy?" she mused, her eyes widening with curiosity.

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