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It was September 1st, the dawn barely breaking, yet Y/N was already wide awake, her heart thrumming with the anticipation of the grand adventure that awaited her. Today marked not just the beginning of another term at Hogwarts but also the start of a mission she knew she could not fail.

In the quiet hum of the early morning, Y/N shuffled through her neatly packed items one last time. Her trunk lay open, revealing neatly folded robes, stacks of spellbooks, and her polished wand nestled in a corner.

Cataleya stood at the doorway, an excited but worried expression crossing her face. "Is everything in order? Your luggage, your wand, your robes?" she asked, her eyes quickly glancing over the packed trunk.

Y/N gave a light-hearted roll of her eyes, a small smile on her lips. "Yes, Mom, everything's packed, everything's checked."

Moving closer, Cataleya gently placed her hands on Y/N's shoulders, her gaze intense and sincere. "Y/N, remember what we discussed last night? It's crucial," she urged softly, her voice firm yet filled with concern.

"I haven't forgotten, Mom," Y/N assured her, her tone steady and reassuring.

Cataleya nodded, her hazel eyes reflecting the morning light that streamed through the window. "When you meet him, you need to observe carefully. Understand who he is, not just what you hear. And then, you must tell him the truth - the whole truth," she instructed, emphasizing each word to underline its importance.

"Don't worry, Mom. I'll know him when I see him, and I'll do as we planned," Y/N replied, her determination evident in her voice.

Cataleya squeezed her daughter's shoulders gently. "I trust you, my dear. Just be careful, okay? We don't know how he might react," she added, a hint of worry creeping into her voice.

"I will, Mom. I'll handle it," Y/N promised, her confidence unwavering.

"Great, now hurry up, little one. The train will depart soon," Cataleya urged, her voice softening, blending with the early morning's calm.

Y/N nodded, feeling a surge of resolve. She closed her trunk with a definitive snap, the sound echoing slightly in the still room. Giving her mother a quick, reassuring hug, she grabbed her luggage, feeling the weight of not just her belongings but the responsibility she carried.


As y/n and her family arrived at the bustling, steam-filled Platform 9 ¾, her mother instructed the family house elf to deftly navigate through the crowd, trunk in tow. Perched proudly on y/n's left shoulder, a well-trained owl flaunted its glossy black feathers, accented with striking orange highlights, its sharp eyes scanning the lively surroundings.

Even though it wasn't customary for students to don their Hogwarts robes upon initial boarding of the train, y/n wore hers with a sense of duty and pride. Her robes, meticulously tailored and pristine, underscored the significance of the occasion. Her family, reflecting their elevated status in the wizarding community, were also dressed impeccably in traditional wizarding attire, eschewing the more casual clothes favored by some of the other families. While her mother and siblings occasionally cast disdainful looks towards these less formally dressed wizards, y/n was utterly enchanted by the spectacle around her.

The grandeur of the vintage steam train captivated her entirely-its ancient steel body gleaming under the canopy of the station, its powerful engine emitting rhythmic puffs of steam that mingled with the crisp morning air. But amidst the excitement and chaos of departure, a persistent thought tugged at her mind, casting a shadow over her awe and wonder.

"Aiden?" The young witch's voice trembled slightly as she finally decided to share her thoughts with her brother. A wistful sadness tinged her words as she exhaled a soft sigh, "How I wish he were here."

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