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As the train hissed to a final stop at Hogsmeade Station, signaling their arrival, y/n and Draco gathered their belongings with a mix of excitement and anticipation. Stepping off the train, they blended into the stream of first-year students, all buzzing with the same nervous energy.

Their owls, along with the belongings of other students, were carefully transported to awaiting carriages, leaving y/n and Draco with only their enchanted backpacks. These packs, charmed to be lighter and more spacious than they appeared, were filled with books, parchment, quills, and other essentials for their first year at Hogwarts.

The throng of students moved as one toward the edge of the Great Lake, where a fleet of small boats bobbed gently in the water under the fading light of dusk. The boats were traditionally used to ferry the first years across the lake, providing them with their first breathtaking view of Hogwarts Castle.

One by one, the boats began to fill, each capable of holding about four students. y/n and Draco, closely sticking together amidst the crowd, found a boat and climbed in. As they settled into their seats, the reality of their new adventure began to sink in. They were about to enter a world filled with magic, mystery, and possibilities far beyond what they had known in the muggle world or had heard in stories.

The boat stirred to life with a gentle enchantment, easing away from the shore without needing any guidance. As they glided over the smooth, glassy surface of the lake, the castle loomed larger and more majestic with each passing moment, its many towers and turrets silhouetted against the starry sky. This moment, magical and surreal, marked the beginning of their journey in the wizarding world.

As the two friends and their new acquaintance waited beside the line of small boats that bobbed gently in the lake, a casual comment nearby caught y/n's attention. "C'mon, Harry," echoed softly through the cool evening air. Her heart leapt; the words vibrated like a struck chord, resonating deep within her. She whirled around, her gaze scanning the bustling crowd until she found him. There he was-the boy with jet-black hair, round glasses framing his striking green eyes that shimmered with a familiarity that reminded her so intensely of Aurora. It was him, Harry Potter, just as her mother had described.

Before she could gather her thoughts, Draco's voice sliced through the moment, his tone a mix of disbelief and curiosity. "It's true then? What they're saying on the train? Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts." y/n winced, pulling at Draco's sleeve in a vain attempt to reel him back, but he was already moving forward, propelled by his own curiosity and bravado.

"This is y/n Grants, and I am..." Draco began confidently, only to be interrupted by a gasp from the red-haired boy standing next to Harry. "Grants?" he exclaimed, clearly recognizing the significance of her family name.

Ignoring the interruption, Draco plowed ahead, "And I'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy." The ginger boy muttered something under his breath about the Grants' famed magical prowess, which Draco chose this moment to finally address. "So fascinated by her name, aren't you? No need to ask yours. Red hair, hand-me-down robe-you must be a Weasley," he taunted, his words dripping with disdain.

"Draco..." y/n implored softly, her plea barely audible over the murmuring crowd. She had hoped for a gentle, inconspicuous introduction, not this brash display of pure-blood pride.

Undeterred, Draco turned back to Harry, extending his rhetoric about the importance of choosing the right sort of friends in the wizarding world. He extended his hand to Harry, and y/n, though reluctant, followed his lead. Her heart pounded, her palms sweaty with the anxiety of the moment. But Harry's response was curt, his voice calm yet firm. "I think I can tell the wrong sort for myself, thanks."

Stunned by the rejection, y/n felt a flush of embarrassment heat her cheeks. Never had she been so blatantly dismissed. In her world, her name alone opened doors and commanded respect. Yet here, on her first day at Hogwarts, she felt the sting of rejection from none other than the one person she had been so eager to connect with-all thanks to Draco's clumsy handling.

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