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Draco sat with Blaise Zabini and Theodore Nott in the courtyard, the late afternoon sun casting long shadows on the stone benches. The three friends lounged comfortably, but there was an undercurrent of tension as Blaise and Theo attempted to convince Draco to attend the Yule Ball.

"Come on, Draco," Blaise started, leaning back against the bench. "You can't seriously be thinking of skipping the Yule Ball. It's the event of the year."

Draco crossed his arms, his expression resolute. "I told you, I'm not going."

Theo, never one to give up easily, chimed in. "Alright, how about Millicent Bulstrode? She's been practically throwing herself at you."

Draco rolled his eyes. "No, Theo. I'm not interested."

Blaise grinned, unfazed. "Okay, how about Daphne Greengrass? She's smart, beautiful, and I've heard she's a great dancer."

Draco shook his head. "Not happening."

Theo smirked, undeterred. "What about Tracey Davis? Or Astoria Greengrass? They're both lovely, and I know for a fact they're both hoping you'd ask them."

"Not a chance," Draco replied, his tone firm. "I'm not going to the ball, end of discussion."

Blaise sighed, sharing a look with Theo before turning back to Draco. "Mate, every girl in Hogwarts is anticipating being taken to the ball by the great Draco Malfoy. You can't seriously plan on skipping it."

Draco's expression hardened, his jaw set. "I don't care. I'm not setting foot in that ball."

Theo raised an eyebrow, clearly curious. "What's really going on, Draco? This isn't like you. Are you still upset about...you know?"

Draco looked away, the mention of y/n stirring the unresolved feelings he had been trying to suppress. "It doesn't matter. I'm not going, and that's final."

Blaise and Theo exchanged another glance, sensing there was more to Draco's refusal than he was letting on. But they also knew better than to push him further when he was this adamant.

"Alright, Draco," Blaise said finally, his tone more understanding. "But if you change your mind, you know where to find us."

Draco nodded, grateful for their support even if he couldn't bring himself to explain his true reasons. As Blaise and Theo shifted the conversation to other topics, Draco's thoughts remained on y/n, the sting of seeing her with Cedric still fresh in his mind. No matter how much his friends tried to convince him, he knew he couldn't bear to attend the ball and watch her with someone else.

As Draco sat with Blaise and Theo in the courtyard, trying to dismiss their suggestions for the Yule Ball, his gaze was suddenly drawn to a sight that made his stomach churn. y/n and Cedric Diggory passed by, holding hands and laughing, clearly enjoying each other's company. Draco's face darkened, his earlier resolve hardening into something more bitter.

Theo noticed the change in Draco's demeanor immediately. "So, is that the reason why you're skipping the ball?" he asked, his tone probing.

Draco scoffed, trying to mask his true feelings. "Nonsense. I can't care less about Grants' love affairs."

Blaise smirked, not convinced. "Mate, but last night you assaulted Diggory in front of the entire school, and now you're saying you can't care less?"

Draco's expression tightened. "It's because he's ruining our house's reputation. He's a gold digger, probably after y/n for her wealth."

Theo raised an eyebrow. "And for y/n? You two grew up together. You expect us to believe you don't care?"

Draco's facade cracked slightly. "I can't just watch her getting used and do nothing about it."

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