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As the days turned into weeks, the rift between y/n and Draco grew wider and more profound, filled with unspoken words and unresolved emotions. Meanwhile, y/n found solace and a growing sense of joy in her friendship with Cedric. His genuine kindness and the light-hearted ease he brought into her days were a stark contrast to the tension and heartache she felt regarding Draco.

Cedric and y/n started spending more time together, their friendship blossoming into something deeper with each shared laugh and conversation. They visited Hogsmeade together, strolling through the snowy streets, sipping warm butterbeer, and laughing over shared jokes. They studied together in the library, exchanging notes and quizzing each other, their companionship making the daunting workload feel lighter.

It wasn't just the fun outings or the academic collaboration that drew them closer; it was also the comfort and understanding they found in each other. Cedric was there for y/n, listening to her concerns and supporting her without judgment, a stark contrast to the complexity and pain associated with her friendship with Draco.

One crisp, clear evening, after a particularly enjoyable a visit to Hogsmeade, Cedric and y/n found themselves walking back to the castle side by side, the pathway illuminated by the soft glow of the floating lanterns that lined their route. Cedric stopped, turning to face y/n, his expression serious yet tender.

"y/n," he began, his voice soft, "these past few weeks have been... incredible. I've really enjoyed every moment I've spent with you."

y/n smiled, her heart warming at his words. "Me too, Cedric. I've had a great time."

He took a deep breath, seeming to gather his courage. "I was wondering," he continued, "if maybe you'd like to make this... official? Would you be my girlfriend?"

The question hung in the air, charged with anticipation. y/n felt a flutter of excitement mixed with a deep sense of rightness. Looking into Cedric's hopeful eyes, she realized how much she had come to value his presence in her life, how he made her feel safe and cherished.

"Yes, Cedric," she replied, her voice steady and clear. "I'd like that very much."

A broad, relieved smile spread across Cedric's face, and in the moonlight, his eyes sparkled with happiness. He reached out, gently taking her hand in his, and they resumed walking back to the castle.

As y/n's relationship with Cedric deepened, her thoughts occasionally wandered back to Draco, stirring feelings of nostalgia and confusion. Despite the joy Cedric brought her, Draco's harsh rejection and their shared past haunted her. She wrestled with guilt and sadness over their estrangement, even as she cherished the new love and support Cedric offered. The complexity of her emotions made her appreciate Cedric's straightforward affection all the more.


As they walked through the quieter corridors of Hogwarts, away from the bustling crowd, Draco's footsteps echoed with the weight of his internal conflicts. Hope observed his somber expression, her concern evident in the furrow of her brow.

"Draco, what's wrong?" Hope asked, breaking the silence that enveloped them.

Draco sighed, his gaze fixed on the ground as they walked. "I don't think I'll be attending the Yule Ball," he confessed, his voice tinged with uncertainty.

Hope's surprise was palpable. "But why? I thought you were looking forward to it," she said, her tone laced with confusion.

Draco hesitated, his mind clouded with memories and regrets. "It's just not feeling right anymore. Too many complications... and memories," he admitted quietly, the weight of his unspoken thoughts hanging heavy in the air.

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