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The first light of morning filtered through the curtains, casting a gentle, muted glow across the room. Draco woke first, his eyes opening slowly as he adjusted to the light and the realization of their position. His heart skipped a beat as he felt y/n still in his arms, her head resting against his chest. For a moment, he allowed himself to enjoy the peacefulness of the scene, the quiet breathing of someone he cared deeply for, before the reality of their situation settled in.

As y/n began to stir, Draco's muscles tensed slightly, the anxiety of explaining their circumstances gnawing at him. He watched her eyes flutter open, her expression one of confusion as she took in her surroundings and then, with a sudden jolt, remembered the night before.

"Draco?" she murmured, her voice husky with sleep. She attempted to sit up, her movements hesitant as the memories of last night's confessions and laughter echoed in her mind.

"Good morning," Draco replied, his voice calm but his stomach tight with nerves. He let his arms fall away as she moved, creating space between them. "You, um, you were very... you had a lot to drink last night."

y/n blinked, the fog of sleep slowly clearing, and she looked around the room, piecing things together. "I— Did I... did I say anything stupid?" Her eyes met his, searching for signs of judgment or amusement.

Draco shook his head, offering her a small smile to ease her embarrassment. "Nothing stupid," he reassured her, though his heart raced at the recollection of her confession. "You were just... very honest."

A flush crept up her neck as she remembered the game of truth or dare, her words, her confession. She bit her lip, the awkwardness of the morning settling heavily between them. "I should probably get back to my dorm," she said quickly, avoiding his gaze as she gathered herself to leave.

"Yeah, of course," Draco agreed, too quickly, his voice betraying a hint of disappointment. He watched her stand, feeling a sudden coldness as the warmth of her body left his. As she walked towards the door, Draco wrestled with the urge to say more, to address the elephant in the room, but the words stuck in his throat.

The door clicked shut behind her, leaving Draco alone with his thoughts, the room suddenly feeling much larger and colder. He let out a breath he hadn't realized he was holding, the weight of what had been said—and what had not been said—hanging heavy in the air.

When y/n slipped back into her dorm, the morning light was already casting long shadows across the floor. She found Pansy perched at the edge of her bed, flipping through a magazine, but her attention snapped to y/n the moment she entered.

"Look who's back," Pansy remarked with a sly grin, her eyes twinkling with mischief. "Did you fulfill your deepest desire last night in Draco's dorm?"

The comment hit y/n like a cold shower, her cheeks flushing instantly with a mix of embarrassment and annoyance. She let out a sigh, knowing that Pansy wouldn't let this go easily.

"Pansy, don't start," y/n muttered, dropping her bag on the floor and starting to shuffle through her things, avoiding Pansy's gaze. "It's too early for your teasing."

"Oh, come on," Pansy purred, setting her magazine aside and leaning forward with interest. "You can't drop a bomb like that and not expect me to poke a little. So, what happened? Did Malfoy finally make a move, or did you make one on him?"

y/n shook her head, feeling the weight of her words from last night hanging over her. "Nothing happened, Pansy. We just talked, and I might have passed out. He was just being nice."

Pansy raised an eyebrow, clearly not convinced. "Just being nice, huh? That doesn't sound like the Draco I know. He must really care about you if he didn't take advantage of the situation."

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