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As the days passed by, Y/N found herself increasingly torn between her loyalty to Draco and her sense of justice for her cousin, Harry. Each time Draco bullied Harry, Y/N would feel a sharp pang of guilt and helplessness, knowing that her silence was a betrayal of her own values.

One evening, as Y/N was lounging with her Slytherin friends in the courtyard, the setting sun cast a golden glow over Hogwarts. The air was filled with laughter and chatter, a peaceful end to a busy day. Y/N was enjoying a rare moment of relaxation when Harry walked by, wearing an expensive, fancy robe that gleamed in the fading light. It was a gift from her mother, Cataleya Grants.

Draco's eyes narrowed as he spotted Harry. "Still relying on charity from the Grants, Potter?" he sneered, his voice loud enough to catch everyone's attention. "Since when can you afford to look like that?"

Harry clenched his fists, his face flushing with anger. "Shut up, Malfoy," he shot back, his voice tense with frustration.

Draco smirked, not missing a beat. "What's the matter, Potter? Too proud to admit you're just a beggar in fancy clothes?"

Y/N's heart sank. She knew she had to do something to diffuse the situation without taking sides. She placed a gentle hand on Draco's arm, her voice calm and soothing. "Draco, it's just a gift from an aunt to her nephew. It's not a big deal."

Draco shrugged off her hand, his eyes flashing with defiance. "Stay out of this, Y/N. Potter needs to know his place."

Y/N sighed, feeling the weight of her divided loyalties pressing down on her. "Draco, please. There's no need for this. It's just a robe."

But Draco wasn't ready to back down. "You always defend him, don't you? Maybe you're the one who's forgotten where you belong," he spat, his voice dripping with accusation.

Y/N felt a pang of hurt but kept her voice steady. "I'm not defending anyone, Draco. I'm just saying it's not worth the fight."

Harry, who had been silently watching the exchange, stepped forward. "Y/N, it's fine. Malfoy can say whatever he wants. It doesn't change anything."

Draco's eyes flicked between Y/N and Harry, his anger simmering. "See, even Potter knows where he stands. Always the charity case."

Y/N felt a surge of frustration. She didn't want to hurt Draco, but she also couldn't stand by and let him bully Harry. "Draco, enough. This isn't you. You're better than this."

Draco's expression hardened, his pride wounded. He turned away, muttering under his breath, "Whatever. Let's go."

Just as Y/N was beginning to feel a sense of relief that the confrontation had ended, she saw Draco's eyes flash with a renewed, spiteful determination. Before she could react, he picked up his goblet of pumpkin juice and, with a flick of his wrist, sent the liquid cascading all over Harry's new robe.

The courtyard fell silent, every eye turning to the spectacle. Harry stood there, pumpkin juice dripping off his once-pristine robe, his face a mix of shock and simmering rage. Y/N felt her heart pound as she saw the triumphant smirk on Draco's face.

That was the breaking point.

"Draco!" Y/N shouted, her voice echoing through the courtyard. She stood up, her eyes blazing with anger. "That was completely uncalled for!"

Draco turned to her, his smirk faltering. "Oh, come on, Y/N. It's just a bit of juice. He deserved it."

"No, he didn't," she snapped, stepping between Draco and Harry. "This isn't about what Harry deserves. This is about you being cruel for no reason. I've tried to stay neutral, to keep the peace, but I can't just stand by and let you bully him."

Heartbreakingly Beautiful - Draco Malfoy x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now