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At dinner in the bustling Great Hall, Harry was trying to focus on his food, still processing the day's revelations, when an owl swooped down towards him. It wasn't unusual for students to receive mail at meals, but this owl bore a package wrapped in shimmering silver paper and tied with a green ribbon, drawing curious glances from around the Gryffindor table. The package landed gently in front of Harry, accompanied by a letter sealed with an elaborate coat of arms.

"Blimey, Harry, who's that from?" Ron asked, eyeing the package with wide eyes.

Hermione leaned closer, her curiosity piqued by the seal. "That's a very formal looking letter," she commented.

Harry carefully opened the letter, his hands slightly trembling. It read:

Dear Harry,

In light of recent revelations and in celebration of the bond that ties our families, please accept these gifts as a token of a new beginning. I look forward to the day we meet in person. Until then, know that you are always in my thoughts.

Warmest regards,

Cataleya Grants

As Harry unpacked the box, Inside the package were various high-quality school supplies, from beautifully bound notebooks to an exquisitely crafted wand case, and even a rare potions ingredient set.

"What's all this about, Harry?" Hermione asked, her brow furrowed in confusion.

Harry took a deep breath. "That's from Cataleya Grants... y/n's mum."

Ron whistled lowly. "Blimey, Harry, these must've cost a fortune. Why would she send you all this?"

"It turns out... she's my aunt. I only just found out."

Ron nearly choked on his pumpkin juice. "Your aunt?! But how-why-what?"

Hermione's expression softened. "Harry, that's... that's incredible," she said, reaching out to squeeze his hand. "But also quite a lot to take in, I imagine."

Before Harry could reply, a mocking voice cut through the din of the dining hall.

"So Potter's now living off charity, is he? Got tired of the Weasleys and moved on to rich relatives?" Draco sneered loudly, causing heads to turn from the Slytherin table.

The Gryffindor table erupted in angry murmurs, but Harry stood up, his face flushed with anger. "It's not charity, Malfoy. It's a family gift."

"Oh, a family gift? Since when do the Potters mingle with the Grants? Or is it just you, looking for any family you can get?" Draco taunted, his voice dripping with disdain.

The tension escalated quickly, with both boys facing off, their friends standing up behind them. Just as the situation seemed about to devolve into a physical fight, y/n appeared between them.

"That's enough, Draco!" y/n snapped, her voice ringing clear across the hall. She turned to address the Gryffindors. "And it's not what it looks like. Harry doesn't need charity, and the Grants don't give it without reason. He is family, and these are merely welcoming gifts."

Draco looked at y/n, his expression torn between betrayal and confusion. "Y/n, you're defending him-"

"-Because he's my cousin, Draco. And because it's the right thing to do," y/n interrupted firmly. "You should try understanding that family can mean more than just a name or blood."

The hall was quiet now, everyone watching the unfolding drama. Draco glanced around, his cheeks coloring slightly as he met the eyes of his housemates, who looked on with a mixture of shock and interest.

Heartbreakingly Beautiful - Draco Malfoy x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now