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Draco and Y/N's paths had crossed countless times since infancy, their mothers' friendship and proximity ensuring frequent encounters. Yet, amidst the routine exchanges and passing glances, a true connection had yet to be forged.

One morning, however, fate intervened in the form of Narcissa's visit to Grants Manor for tea with her dear friend, Cataleya. Unbeknownst to Narcissa, her curious five years-old son had decided to follow her, his adventurous spirit leading him to the gates of the sprawling estate.

It was there that Draco caught sight of Y/N, her laughter ringing through the garden as she played amidst the flowers and trees. Intrigued, Draco approached her cautiously, his steps tentative yet filled with curiosity.

"Y/N," he called out softly, his voice carrying a hint of uncertainty.

Turning towards the sound, Y/N's eyes widened in recognition as she spotted the boy standing before her. "Aunt Narcissa's son," she replied, her tone warm and friendly. "What was your name again?"

"Draco," he answered, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

And so, their conversation began, tentative at first but quickly blossoming into laughter and shared secrets. Before long, they were chasing each other through the garden, their laughter echoing amidst the blossoms as a friendship began to take root.

Draco's eyes sparkled with excitement as he gazed at the nearby river, its gentle currents beckoning like a siren's call. "What do you say we sneak out and see the frogs in the river?" he suggested eagerly, a mischievous grin playing on his lips.

Y/N's eyes widened with delight at the prospect, her adventurous spirit eager for the thrill of exploration. "Yes, let's!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with anticipation.

Hand in hand, they made their way towards the riverbank, the soft rustle of leaves beneath their feet the only sound breaking the tranquility of the morning. Along the way, they exchanged tales of daring escapades and shared dreams of far-off lands, their laughter mingling with the gentle murmur of the breeze.

As they reached the river's edge, Draco pointed excitedly at a cluster of lily pads, their vibrant green leaves shimmering in the sunlight. "Look, there they are!" he exclaimed, his eyes alight with wonder.

Y/N nodded eagerly, her gaze scanning the water's surface in search of movement. "Do you think we'll find any big ones?" she asked, her curiosity piqued.

Draco grinned mischievously, his imagination already conjuring images of giant frogs and daring adventures. "Only one way to find out," he replied, before wading into the shallows with Y/N close behind.

Together, they explored the riverbank, their laughter mingling with the gentle splashing of water as they searched for elusive amphibians. With each leap and bound, their bond grew stronger, their friendship forged in the simple joys of childhood exploration.

Excitement danced in Y/N's eyes as she looked towards the dense forest looming in the distance, its towering trees promising endless mysteries waiting to be uncovered. "Let's go discover the forest and climb trees to see bird nests!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with anticipation.

Draco's grin widened at the suggestion, his adventurous spirit eager for the next challenge. "Yay, let's do it!" he agreed enthusiastically, already envisioning himself scaling the tallest branches and peering into hidden bird nests.

With a shared sense of excitement, they set off towards the forest, their laughter echoing through the air as they ventured deeper into the unknown. The forest welcomed them with open arms, its lush green canopy offering shelter from the bright sun overhead.

Heartbreakingly Beautiful - Draco Malfoy x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now