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Nearly 20 years ago

Lyra Druella Malfoy, the firstborn child of Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy, was often described as a radiant child with an infectious laugh and a curious mind. Her early years were filled with promise and happiness, painting the Malfoy Manor with strokes of joy and childlike wonder. The family had always been protective, but with Lyra, there was an added layer of tenderness and care.

The Malfoy family, while not yet aligned with any dark forces, had always been under scrutiny for their pureblood status and considerable influence within the wizarding community. This position often made them targets for various threats, both from those opposing dark arts and those who wished to exploit their power.

On that fateful evening, Voldemort, the Dark Lord himself, descended upon Malfoy Manor like a shadow cloaked in darkness. His presence was an ominous portent, casting a pall over the grandeur of the estate as he sought to enlist the Malfoys in his nefarious cause.

"Lucius, Narcissa," Voldemort began, his voice a chilling whisper that sent shivers down their spines. "I have come to offer you an opportunity—a chance to join me and reap the rewards of power and influence beyond your wildest dreams."

Lucius inclined his head slightly, his expression betraying none of the turmoil roiling within him. "And what, may I ask, would be required of us in return for such... generosity?"

Voldemort's thin lips curled into a semblance of a smile, though there was nothing warm or reassuring about it. "Your loyalty, of course. Your unwavering allegiance to my cause and my cause alone."

Narcissa stepped forward, her voice laced with a steely resolve. "Our loyalty is not for sale, Voldemort. We have our own principles, our own values, and we will not compromise them for the sake of your ambitions."

For a moment, there was silence as Voldemort regarded them with an intensity that made their skin crawl. Then, with a low chuckle, he spoke again. "You misunderstand me, Malfoys. This is not a negotiation—it is an ultimatum. Join me, or face the consequences."

Lucius squared his shoulders, his jaw clenched in defiance. "We have made our decision, Voldemort. We will not be party to your madness."

But Voldemort's eyes gleamed with malice as he raised his wand.. "You have made your choice," he spat. "Now you will suffer the consequences."

As Voldemort's crimson gaze fell upon the innocent figure of five years old Lyra, who played innocently at her parents' feet, Narcissa felt a surge of desperation grip her heart. She stepped forward, her voice trembling with fear and pleading, "Please, my lord, don't harm her. She's innocent. She's just a child."

But Voldemort remained unmoved, his expression cold and unyielding. "It's too late for pleas, Narcissa," he sneered. "Your defiance has sealed her fate."

With a flick of his wand and a chilling incantation, Voldemort unleashed the most sinister of spells. "Avada Kedavra!"

Time seemed to slow as the curse hurtled towards Lyra, its green light illuminating the room with an eerie glow. Narcissa's heart clenched with dread as she watched in horror, unable to tear her eyes away from the inevitable tragedy unfolding before her.

The curse struck true, and Lyra fell to the ground, her laughter silenced forever by the cruel hand of fate. A strangled cry escaped Narcissa's lips as she lunged forward, but it was too late. The damage had been done, and their world was shattered in an instant.

As Lucius and Narcissa knelt beside their lifeless daughter, grief-stricken and broken, they knew that their lives would never be the same again. The price of their defiance had been paid in the most unimaginable of ways, and the memory of Lyra would haunt them for the rest of their days.

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