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The early morning at Hogwarts was brisk and vibrant, heralding the day of the first flying lesson for the first-year students, an event that held a mix of thrill and trepidation. The castle was awake early, its ancient stones echoing with the footsteps and voices of students eagerly making their way towards the Quidditch pitch, the designated area for such lessons.

Among the throng were y/n and her best friend, Draco. Both shared a bond of friendship and a common background in pure-blood wizardry, making them somewhat outliers among their peers, for different reasons. Draco, already proficient due to his family's focus on pureblood traditions which included early broom training, wore a smug, confident look. Y/n, however, carried a quiet confidence born not of arrogance but experience, having been taught how to fly by her brother Aiden since she was just seven.

The field was dew-kissed and glistened under the touch of the morning sun. First-year students from all houses were grouped together, each clutching the standard-issue school brooms which, although not the latest models, had a charm of their own. Madam Hooch, their instructor, stood tall and authoritative in the center of the field, her eyes sharp and her demeanor no-nonsense as she surveyed her new pupils.

"Alright, everyone, line up and place your broom on your right side!" Madam Hooch commanded. The students hurried to comply, and a line of unevenly held brooms formed. Madam Hooch demonstrated the correct stance and the way to call the broom into one's hand with a sharp "Up!"

Around y/n, several students giggled nervously, their brooms either jumping awkwardly into their hands or not moving at all. Draco, with a practiced flick of his wrist, had his broom in his hand in an instant, his eyes gleaming with a mix of pride and challenge as he glanced over at y/n. With a subtle smile, she simply held out her hand, and her broom snapped to it immediately, a testament to the hours she'd spent flying under Aiden's tutelage.

"Excellent, Miss Grants!" Madam Hooch praised as she passed by, giving a nod of approval. "It seems you've had some practice before this, well done!"

As the whistle blew, Draco was among the first to kick off the ground, his ascent smooth and assured. Y/n followed suit seamlessly, rising into the air with a natural ease that had her feeling the wind in her hair and a liberating sense of freedom. She hovered expertly a few feet off the ground, the world below her a patchwork of green grass and brown earth.

The first flying lesson was progressing with increasing excitement and nervous giggles until Neville Longbottom's turn disrupted the tentative peace. Neville, whose skills with a broom were notoriously shaky, had barely lifted off the ground when his broom took a wild turn. It jerked sharply, sending him tumbling through the air with a startled yelp. He crashed to the ground with a thud, his broom clattering a few feet away.

Madam Hooch rushed over to a moaning Neville, quickly assessing the situation. She found him clutching his wrist, his face twisted in pain. Without hesitation, she announced she was taking him to the hospital wing, leaving behind strict instructions for the rest of the class to stay grounded and not touch the brooms. However, as soon as she disappeared with Neville, the discipline of the class began to fray.

Draco Malfoy, spotting Neville's forgotten Remembrall on the grass, couldn't resist seizing it. With a smirk, he leapt onto his broom and shot into the air, the Remembrall gleaming in his hand. "Come and get it, Potter!" he taunted, knowing full well that Harry would take the bait.

Harry, driven by a mix of righteousness and the challenge, mounted his broom and soared after Draco with an intensity that matched his rival's. The chase quickly turned fierce as Draco pushed his broom to its limits, weaving and darting through the air to evade Harry. His taunts echoed across the field, "Too slow, Potter! Can't keep up?"

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