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As Dumbledore announced the names of the champions, Y/N's gaze shifted between the students selected: Cedric Diggory for Hogwarts, Viktor Krum for Durmstrang, and Fleur Delacour for Beauxbatons. She offered genuine congratulations to Cedric, exchanging a smile with him, but her attention was abruptly diverted as the Goblet of Fire unexpectedly spat out another name – Harry Potter.

Gasps filled the Great Hall, whispers of disbelief rippling through the crowd. Y/N felt a surge of frustration and anger on Harry's behalf, knowing the accusations and doubts that would undoubtedly follow. As they strolled together, she turned to him, her voice firm yet reassuring.

"Harry, I believe you," she said earnestly, her eyes meeting his with unwavering trust. "I know you wouldn't put your name in that goblet. There has to be something else going on here."

Harry's expression mirrored her confusion, his brow furrowed with uncertainty. "But then who did?" he asked, his voice tinged with frustration.

Y/N pondered for a moment before responding, her mind racing with possibilities. "I'm not sure, but there's definitely something fishy happening," she said, her tone resolute. "We need to be cautious, Harry. Whoever manipulated the goblet might have more tricks up their sleeve. You should talk to the professors about it."

Harry nodded in agreement, a flicker of determination lighting up his emerald eyes. "You're clever, Y/N. And thanks for believing in me," he said gratefully.

Y/N offered him a reassuring smile, her heart heavy with concern for her cousin. "Always, Harry. We'll get to the bottom of this together."

Y/N's steps faltered slightly as she entered the Slytherin common room, the weight of the accusations against her cousin hanging heavily in the air. She braced herself for the inevitable teasing and hostility, knowing that her association with Harry would likely draw unwanted attention.

Sure enough, as she settled into a seat, the murmurs and whispers began to swirl around her. Snide remarks and pointed jabs followed her like a shadow, each one a reminder of the rift that had formed within the Slytherin house.

But just as Y/N prepared to steel herself against the onslaught, a voice cut through the cacophony like a knife. It was Draco, his tone sharp and commanding as he addressed their peers with a rare authority.

"Enough," he declared, his words ringing out with a finality that brooked no argument. "How dare you defy your superiors? Besides, Y/N has nothing to do with her foolish cousin's deeds."

"Draco's right," she said, her voice steady as she addressed the other Slytherins. "I won't stand here and listen to baseless accusations against my cousin. Harry's innocent, and until proven otherwise, I won't entertain any more of this nonsense."

Draco's gaze softened as he met her eyes, a silent acknowledgment passing between them. In that moment, Y/N felt a glimmer of the bond they once shared, a reminder of the friendship that had weathered countless storms.

"Thank you Draco, for standing up for what's right" As Y/N thanked Draco for his defense, she couldn't help but feel a rush of conflicting emotions coursing through her. His words resonated deeply, stirring something within her that went beyond mere gratitude. There was a pull between them, an unspoken connection that seemed to defy logic or reason.

Draco met her gaze with a sincerity that made her heart skip a beat, his eyes holding a warmth that she hadn't seen in a long time. "I didn't stand up for Potter," he admitted softly, his voice tinged with a vulnerability that caught Y/N off guard. "I stood up for you."

Y/N's breath caught in her throat at his confession, the weight of his words settling heavily in her chest. It was a revelation that left her reeling, the realization dawning on her that perhaps their bond ran deeper than she had ever dared to imagine.

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