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After some hesitation, Harry finally agreed to spend Christmas with y/n at Grants Manor. It was during a quiet moment in the Gryffindor common room, the fire crackling softly in the background, when y/n shared stories of her family's traditions and the warmth of their celebrations. She spoke of the grand feasts, the laughter that filled the hallways, and the magic of the season that seemed to envelop the manor each year. Moved by her earnestness and the promise of experiencing a true wizarding family holiday, Harry felt a pull in his heart, yearning for a connection and a sense of belonging. With a reassuring smile, he nodded, the decision clear in his eyes. "Alright, I'll come," he said, his voice mixed with curiosity and excitement, ready to embrace the warmth and magic of Christmas with y/n and her family at the enchanting Grants Manor.

As they approached Grants Manor, the landscape offered views of sprawling estates, each with their own unique charm and history. As Harry's eyes caught sight of a particularly imposing structure with cold, gray stones and towering spires in the distance, he turned to y/n with a mix of curiosity and unease.

"What's that over there?" Harry asked, pointing towards the distant manor that seemed to exude an air of stark austerity compared to the warm, welcoming vibe of Grants Manor.

Y/n followed his gaze, her expression changing slightly as she recognized the silhouette against the overcast sky. "That's Malfoy Manor," she explained, her voice lower than before. "It's where Draco and his family live. It's quite different from here, both in looks and in atmosphere."

Harry nodded, remembering his few unpleasant encounters with Draco. The sight of Malfoy Manor brought a slight chill that contrasted sharply with the warm, excited feeling he had upon seeing Grants Manor. He quickly turned his attention back to the path ahead, focusing on the warmth and the promise of a joyful Christmas with his newly found family, leaving the cold image of Malfoy Manor behind them.

Harry stepped into the expansive hall of the Grants Manor, its walls lined with portraits that seemed to watch curiously as he entered. The air was tinged with the scents of pine and freshly baked gingerbread, creating an instantly welcoming atmosphere. Aunt Cataleya, a regal figure with silver-streaked hair and kind green eyes, stood waiting. She moved toward him with an elegance that belied her years, her arms open wide.

"Harry, my dear, we've waited so long for this moment," Cataleya exclaimed as she embraced him warmly. Her voice was soft, yet carried an undeniable strength. As they separated, her eyes lingered on his face, as if committing every detail to memory. "You have your mother's eyes, so full of light and kindness."

Harry, overwhelmed by the warmth of the welcome, managed a small smile. "Thank you for having me, Aunt Cataleya. It's great to finally meet you."

The chatter of excitement drew his attention to Aurora and Aiden, who approached with friendly smiles. Aurora, with her flowing auburn hair and thoughtful expression, extended a hand gracefully. "Harry, I've read so much about you! It's like meeting a character from a book come to life. I can't wait to exchange stories."

Aiden, taller and with a mischievous glint in his dark brown eyes, clapped Harry on the back. "And I've set up some Quidditch practice for us," he said, enthusiasm clear in his voice. "Hope you're ready to fly, cousin."

Their conversation flowed easily as they led Harry through the decorated corridors to the dining room, where a grand feast awaited. The long table was set with gleaming silver and crystal, and the room buzzed with the magic of the season. As they settled down to eat, the air filled with the sounds of clinking glasses and merry laughter.

Throughout dinner, the family shared tales of past Christmases and Hogwarts memories. Cataleya recounted stories of Harry's parents, filling in the gaps of his fragmented past with anecdotes that brought them to life in his mind.

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