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Y/N's heart felt like it had been shattered into a million pieces, each fragment a sharp reminder of the profound loss she had endured. Cedric's death weighed heavily on her soul, casting a shadow of profound melancholy over her days and nights. She couldn't shake the feeling of guilt that gnawed at her from within, a relentless reminder of the choices she had made and the consequences they had wrought.

In the quiet moments when she was alone with her thoughts, Y/N found herself consumed by a profound sadness, mourning not only the loss of Cedric but also the shattered dreams and unfulfilled promises of their future together. She couldn't help but replay their moments together in her mind, each memory tinged with bittersweet longing and regret.

The burden of guilt was crushing, threatening to suffocate her with its weight. She had used Cedric's genuine love and affection as a shield, a distraction from the tumultuous emotions that had plagued her heart, from her profound love to Draco. She had leaned on him, seeking solace in his arms, even as her thoughts strayed to another.

Now, with Cedric gone, Y/N felt the full weight of her betrayal bearing down upon her. She had failed him in life, using him to keep her mind off Draco, to numb the ache of her unresolved feelings. She had cheated on him, betraying his trust and breaking his heart in the process.

And now, with Cedric gone forever, Y/N couldn't make amends for her mistakes. She was left with nothing but the hollow echo of his absence, a haunting reminder of the love she had lost and the pain she had caused. In the wake of his death, she was adrift, lost in a sea of regret and sorrow, unable to find solace or redemption for the sins of her past.

Adding to her distress was the ongoing strain in her relationship with Draco. Their friendship, once a cornerstone of her life, had crumbled into a chasm filled with silence and misunderstandings. To see him now, often in the company of Hope, only deepened y/n's sorrow, reinforcing her sense of isolation. Each glimpse of Draco with Hope was a sharp reminder of what she had lost and what might have been—a friendship that had drifted into the shadows, now seemingly replaced by another.

The resurgence of Voldemort added an ominous layer to y/n's already fraught existence. The dark wizard's return was not just a shadow over the wizarding world but a direct threat to her and her loved ones. Y/n was tormented by the knowledge that Voldemort sought not only her cousin Harry, whom he was destined to battle due to the prophecy that marked Harry as his equal, but also herself, ensnared by another chilling prophecy believed by some—that a member of the powerful Grants family would play a role in his downfall.

This dual threat plunged y/n into a state of heightened vigilance and deep fear. Each day brought with it a sense of impending danger, and the once-familiar corridors of Hogwarts transformed into potential battlegrounds. The atmosphere of the school had palpably shifted; whispers and wary glances filled the halls, and the joy of learning was overshadowed by the necessity of vigilance.

Amidst this escalating crisis, y/n felt the burden of her family legacy weigh heavily on her shoulders. Being possibly marked by prophecy as a key player in Voldemort's defeat did not fill her with pride but with a profound sense of responsibility and foreboding. The prospect of being hunted by one of the most powerful dark wizards of all time was terrifying, and the need to stay strong and prepared consumed much of her energy and thoughts.

y/n transformed from a beacon of joy into a figure shadowed by sorrow. Her once vibrant spirit, typically the source of light and laughter among her peers, now carried the weight of profound grief and unrelenting pressure. The loss of Cedric, coupled with the strain of her potential role in a dark prophecy, compounded her emotional turmoil, leaving her navigating a labyrinth of sadness and fear. Each day, as she walked the halls of Hogwarts, her somber demeanor reflected the profound changes within her, signaling a stark departure from the carefree days of her childhood. The transformation was not just internal; it was palpable to anyone who knew her before, a stark reminder of the heavy burdens the young witch now bore.

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