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It was September 1st, and the Hogwarts Express was filled with the excited chatter of students returning to school. Harry and Y/N found themselves among the crowd on Platform 9¾, accompanied by their family: Aiden, Aurora, and Cataleya. After tearful goodbyes and promises to write, they boarded the train, finding a compartment with Ron and Hermione.

As the train chugged towards Hogwarts, the friends caught up on their summer adventures and speculated about the upcoming school year. The conversation was filled with laughter and anticipation, but there was also an undercurrent of curiosity about the mysterious events hinted at by their professors last year.

Upon arriving at Hogwarts, the students were greeted by the towering silhouette of the castle against the darkening sky. The Great Hall, as always, was a magnificent sight, with floating candles casting a warm glow over the long tables. Y/N and Harry took their seats at their tables, eager for the start-of-term announcements.

Professor Dumbledore stood at the front of the hall, his eyes twinkling with excitement. He raised his hands, and the room fell silent. "Welcome, students, to another year at Hogwarts!" he began, his voice carrying effortlessly through the hall. "This year, we have a very special event. The Triwizard Tournament will be held here at Hogwarts."

Gasps and murmurs of excitement rippled through the crowd. Dumbledore continued, "For those of you who may not know, the Triwizard Tournament is a magical competition between three schools: Hogwarts, Beauxbatons, and Durmstrang. It is a test of courage, skill, and ingenuity. And we are honored to host it this year."

He paused, letting the excitement settle before delivering his next piece of news. "We also have a special guest with us tonight. A former Hogwarts student who once won the Triwizard Tournament and brought great honor to our school. Please join me in welcoming Aiden Grants."

The hall erupted into applause as Aiden, seated among the staff members, stood up and waved. His presence commanded respect, his aura a blend of confidence and warmth. "His sister, the talented young Y/N Grants, is also with us tonight," Dumbledore continued, nodding in Y/N's direction. "She must be proud of her brother."

Y/N blushed as heads turned towards her, and she glanced up at Aiden. He gave her a reassuring nod, his eyes filled with pride and encouragement.

Aiden then stepped forward to address the students. The hall fell silent again, every eye fixed on him. "Thank you, Professor Dumbledore, for that kind introduction," he began, his voice strong and steady. "It is an honor to be back at Hogwarts, a place that has given me so much. The Triwizard Tournament is a challenging and dangerous competition, but it is also a chance to prove yourself and to grow in ways you never imagined."

He looked around the hall, making eye contact with many students. "When I competed, I faced trials that tested my limits. But I also forged bonds that have lasted a lifetime. To those who choose to put their name forward, I say this: be brave, be smart, and most importantly, be true to yourself."

His words resonated with the students, filling the room with a sense of inspiration and determination. As he finished his speech, the hall erupted into applause once more.

Y/N felt a swell of pride as she watched her brother take his seat again. The night was filled with promise, and she couldn't help but feel that this year would bring incredible challenges and unforgettable moments. As the applause died down, the students turned their attention back to Dumbledore, who concluded the evening's announcements.

As the applause for Aiden's speech died down, Professor Dumbledore resumed his place at the podium, his expression warm and welcoming. "And now, it is my great pleasure to introduce our esteemed guests from Beauxbatons Academy of Magic and Durmstrang Institute."

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