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In the dimly lit Slytherin common room, the emerald green and silver decor cast a serene yet eerie glow. The flickering flames in the fireplace added warmth to the otherwise cool atmosphere of the dungeon-like room. Y/N, Draco, and Pansy sat on a plush green sofa, engaged in a serious conversation. The common room was quiet, with only a few other Slytherins scattered about, engrossed in their own activities.

Y/N sat between Draco and Pansy, her brow furrowed with worry. She had been debating whether to tell Harry about their family connection, and the uncertainty weighed heavily on her.

"I really need to tell him the truth," Y/N said, her voice barely above a whisper. "It's important, and it's what my mother wants."

Pansy, always the supportive friend, nodded encouragingly. "You should, Y/N. It's only fair that he knows. Besides, it's a family matter. Your mother knows best."

Draco, however, was less enthusiastic. He crossed his arms and scowled, his protective instincts flaring up. "I still think it's a bad idea, Y/N. Harry Potter is nothing but trouble. He'll bring shame to the great Grants family if this gets out."

Y/N's eyes flashed with determination as she turned to Draco. "Draco, I understand your concerns, but this isn't just about us. It's about family, and my mother specifically asked me to reach out to Harry. She wants us to have a bond."

Draco shook his head, his expression one of stubborn defiance. "Your mother might mean well, but Potter is not someone we should associate with. Especially considering who his friends are."

Pansy interjected, trying to mediate. "Draco, maybe Y/N is right. Family is important, and she has a right to know her cousin and for him to know her. It doesn't have to be public knowledge if that's what you're worried about."

Y/N sighed, her frustration evident. "This isn't about public perception, Draco. It's about doing the right thing. Harry deserves to know the truth, he deserves to know that he has a family that cares for him."

Draco's expression softened slightly, but his resolve remained. "I just don't want you to get hurt, Y/N. Potter and his friends are trouble. But if your mother insists, I suppose you have to do what you think is right."

Y/N placed a hand on Draco's arm, offering a reassuring smile. "I appreciate your concern, Draco. But I have to do this. It's what my mother wants, and it's what I want too. I promise I'll be careful."

Pansy smiled, relieved that the tension was easing. "Good luck, Y/N. Just remember, we're here for you no matter what."

Draco sighed, his protective demeanor softening further. "Fine. Just be careful, alright? And if Potter gives you any trouble, you know where to find me."

Y/N nodded, feeling a mixture of gratitude and apprehension. She knew that telling Harry the truth wouldn't be easy, but it was a step she had to take.

The next morning, the Great Hall was filled with the usual hustle and bustle of students enjoying their breakfast. The long tables were lined with an array of delicious foods, and the chatter of excited students echoed through the grand space. Y/N walked in, determination etched on her face. She scanned the Gryffindor table and spotted Harry sitting with Ron and Hermione. Taking a deep breath, she made her way over to them, feeling the weight of Draco's disapproving gaze from across the room.

As Y/N approached Harry, the conversation at the Gryffindor table fell silent. She stood there for a moment, gathering her courage, before speaking.

"Hi, Potter, can we talk for a moment?" she asked, her voice steady despite the nervous flutter in her chest.

Harry looked up at her, his expression a mix of surprise and skepticism. He had heard enough from Draco to assume that Y/N was just another arrogant, spoiled rich girl. He crossed his arms and leaned back in his chair, regarding her coolly.

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