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In the stark, uninviting confines of Professor Umbridge's office, Y/n and Harry found themselves facing a grim detention. The walls, adorned with frilly plates featuring unsettling pictures of cats, did little to lighten the oppressive atmosphere. Umbridge, seated at her desk with a satisfied smirk, handed each of them a long, slender quill. Unlike typical quills, these did not require ink.

"You will both write lines for me," Umbridge instructed in her sickly sweet voice. "You will write, 'I must not tell lies.' You will continue until I am satisfied that the lesson has sunk in."

Harry glanced at Y/n with a grimace as they sat at a small table set aside for detentions. Taking the quill in hand, Harry began to write the words Umbridge had ordered. Y/n hesitated, a sense of foreboding creeping over her as she touched the tip of the quill to the parchment.

As they wrote, the true nature of the punishment became apparent. The quills, enchanted with a dark purpose, began to etch the words not only onto the parchment but also into the back of their hands. The pain was sharp, almost burning, as each letter formed a raw, inflamed scar on their skin.

Y/n gritted her teeth, trying not to show her discomfort, but a sharp intake of breath betrayed her pain. Harry glanced over at her, his eyes filled with anger and concern.

"This isn't right," he muttered under his breath, though he continued to write.

Umbridge, who had been observing from her desk, stood and approached them. "Let this be a lesson to you both," she said, her voice dripping with false concern. "The Ministry expects obedience, and lies will not be tolerated."

Y/n met Umbridge's gaze, her own eyes steely. "It's the truth," she whispered, the pain in her hand fueling her defiance. But she continued writing, knowing that arguing with Umbridge would only prolong their ordeal.

As the hours passed, the room grew darker, and the only sounds were the scratching of the quills and the occasional shift of their chairs. When they were finally dismissed, Y/n's and Harry's hands were marked, a painful reminder of Umbridge's cruelty. They left the office weary and injured but with a renewed sense of resolve.

The pain from their scarred hands was biting, a constant reminder of the night's cruelty. The quiet of the corridors seemed to amplify the throbbing. Y/n, clutching her hand against her chest, whispered through gritted teeth, "My brother will hear about this."

Harry, despite the pain, couldn't help but let out a short laugh. The expression on his face was a mix of amusement and camaraderie. "Sounds like growing up with Malfoy is rubbing off on you," he teased, a slight smirk playing on his lips.

Y/n shot Harry a look, half-annoyed but mostly amused. "Maybe," she conceded with a shrug, "but seriously, Aiden's not going to let Umbridge get away with this if he finds out. And neither should we."

"Aiden's not just going to sit back on this. You know he's got a pretty significant position at the Ministry now, and he's got the influence to make waves." She added.

Harry nodded, listening intently as they turned a corner. "Do you think he can really make a difference with Umbridge? You know how she is with her Ministry backing."

Y/n sighed, her frustration evident. "I know it's complicated because of the Ministry's stance on... everything happening. But Aiden's really respected, and he's as fed up with the current state of things as we are. If there's anyone who can push back against Umbridge and her absurd rules, it's him. He won't stand for her hurting his family."

"That's good to hear," Harry said, feeling a flicker of hope. "We could use more allies right now, especially from within the Ministry. It feels like the few we thought we had are either too scared to help, or worse, they've already turned against us."

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