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The morning after their unexpected dance, y/n found herself in the midst of Herbology class, grappling with a tumult of emotions. The joy of last night's reconnection with Draco was now overshadowed by a heavy cloak of guilt. She couldn't help but recall every moment, every touch, with a mixture of longing and remorse. As she carefully trimmed a particularly unruly Flutterby Bush, her thoughts were far from the task at hand.

Draco, on the other hand, seemed to be everywhere she looked. Despite her best efforts to focus on her work and avoid his gaze, she could feel his eyes on her from across the greenhouse. The air felt thick with unspoken words, making it harder for her to breathe or think straight.

Her brother Aiden's teachings echoed in her mind, reminding her of the values of justice and righteousness that he had instilled in her from a young age. Aiden, a loyal Hufflepuff, had always been her moral compass, guiding her through difficult choices with his unwavering principles. The thought of how disappointed he would be knowing she had allowed herself a moment of weakness with Draco weighed heavily on her heart.

As she wrestled with these feelings, y/n resolved to maintain her distance from Draco, hoping that space might clear her mind and help her decide the right course of action. She was determined to uphold the integrity that Aiden had taught her, even if it meant suppressing her own desires. Her relationship with Cedric, built on trust and mutual respect, deserved that much, and she couldn't let a momentary lapse jeopardize everything they had together. Her task now was not only to manage the sprawling vines of the plants in front of her but also to untangle the complicated emotions that threatened to overwhelm her sense of right and wrong.

After herbology Y/N and Pansy were making her way through the hall when they spotted Hope Murray up ahead. Hope, looking fresh and unruffled, seemed to be in good spirits. Y/N couldn't help but feel a pang of curiosity about where Hope had disappeared to the previous evening, and more importantly, who the mysterious "M" was. Despite her relief that "M" didn't stand for Malfoy, the enigma still gnawed at her.

As they approached a corner, they spotted Hope Murray up ahead. Pansy, always quick to speak her mind, nudged Y/N. "There's Hope. Maybe you should ask her where she vanished to last night."

Y/N bit her lip, torn between curiosity and the desire to respect Hope's privacy. As they drew closer, Hope greeted them with a cheerful smile. "Morning, Y/N. Morning, Pansy."

"Morning, Murray," Y/N replied, her tone casual yet masking her inner curiosity. She watched as Hope turned to walk away, the urge to ask about the previous night almost overpowering her. Just as Hope was about to disappear down the corridor, Y/N called out to her.

"Hope, wait!"

Hope turned back, an expectant look on her face. Pansy raised an eyebrow, clearly curious about what Y/N was going to say. Y/N opened her mouth to voice the question that had been burning inside her all morning, but at the last minute, she managed to rein in her curiosity. Instead, she offered a warm smile.

"Have a good day."

Hope looked slightly puzzled but smiled back. "You too, Y/N. Pansy."

As Hope walked away, Pansy looked at Y/N with a mix of frustration and curiosity. "Why didn't you ask her about last night?"

Y/N sighed, a small smile playing on her lips. "Because it's her business. Besides, we have more important things to worry about."

Pansy huffed but didn't press the matter further. "Fine, but if she disappears again, I'm asking."


In the bustling atmosphere of the Great Hall, y/n tried to appear composed as she sat beside Cedric at the Hufflepuff table. Concern etched his features as he leaned in close, his voice low and full of worry. "You disappeared so suddenly last night. Is everything alright?"

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