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In the opulent grandeur of Malfoy Manor, a lavish ball was underway, attended by the elite of wizarding society. Amidst the elegant guests, two small figures, barely reaching the height of the adults, stood out amidst the splendor of the ballroom.

Little Y/N and Draco, both barely past the age of innocence, found themselves swept up in the allure of the festivities. With wide eyes and eager smiles, they watched the swirling dancers twirl across the polished marble floor.

As the music swirled around them, Y/N and Draco joined the dance, mimicking the graceful movements of the adults in their own endearing way. Their steps were clumsy yet earnest. The two little ones danced with all the innocence and joy of childhood. Their steps were awkward and uncoordinated, but their smiles were wide and infectious.

"I feel like a real grown-up!" Y/N exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with excitement as she twirled around Draco.

Draco chuckled, his cheeks flushed with delight. "Me too! We look just like them," he said, nodding towards the elegant couples gliding across the dance floor.

Y/N giggled, her hand slipping from Draco's as she attempted a particularly ambitious twirl. "Oops!" she laughed, stumbling slightly before regaining her balance.

Draco reached out to steady her, his laughter mingling with hers. "Careful there," he teased gently, a fond smile tugging at his lips.

As the music swirled through the opulent ballroom of Malfoy Manor, Lucius Malfoy, resplendent in his fine robes, danced with all the grace and poise befitting his stature. His movements were smooth and practiced, a testament to years of refinement and elegance.

Watching from the sidelines, Y/N and Draco exchanged mischievous glances, their eyes alight with excitement.

"You thinking what I'm thinking?" Draco whispered, a mischievous grin spreading across his face.

Y/N nodded eagerly, her own grin mirroring his. "Let's give uncle Lucius a taste of his own medicine," she replied, her voice filled with excitement.

With synchronized precision, they darted behind Lucius, their giggles barely contained as they plotted their next move.

"Ready?" Draco whispered, his eyes twinkling with mischief.

Y/N nodded, her heart racing with anticipation. "On three," she replied, barely able to contain her excitement.

Counting silently, they both reached out to tug on the hem of Lucius's robes, sending him off balance for just a moment.

Startled, Lucius stumbled slightly, his expression momentarily betraying his surprise before regaining his composure with a practiced ease.

As he glanced around the room in confusion, his eyes narrowed in suspicion, but Y/N and Draco had already vanished into the crowd, leaving no trace of their mischief behind.

As they watched from a safe distance, their laughter bubbled forth, filling the air with infectious joy.

"That was brilliant!" Draco exclaimed, unable to contain his excitement.

Y/N grinned, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Best prank ever," she replied, her voice filled with satisfaction.

As Lucius scanned the room with a stern gaze, searching for the mischievous culprits responsible for his momentary stumble, Y/N and Draco darted behind Aiden's protective form, seeking refuge from the impending storm.

With a furrowed brow and a determined expression, Aiden stood tall, a silent guardian shielding the children from the repercussions of their playful antics.

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