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Aiden stood before Elise's portrait, which hung above a simple altar surrounded by white lilies and candles. His voice trembled as he tried to speak the words he had written down, memories and promises now turned into a eulogy. "Elise brought light into every room she entered," he began, pausing to steady his voice. "She was my heart, my joy, and my life's greatest gift. Her compassion knew no bounds, her spirit was indomitable, and her love was my anchor."

Tears streamed down the faces of those gathered as they listened to Aiden, each person grappling with their own sorrow while also feeling the deep pain of his loss. Harry, standing amongst the crowd, placed a comforting hand on his cousin's shoulder, a silent pledge of support and shared mourning.

Aurora, ever supportive, spoke next, her words a tender reflection of her sister-in-law's impact. "Elise was more than a family member to us; she embodied kindness and bravery. Even in her final moments, she fought to protect us, to protect this family. We owe it to her to keep fighting, to carry on her legacy."

As the formal speeches ended, soft music filled the chapel, a recording of one of Elise's favorite piano pieces. The haunting melody brought fresh tears to many eyes, a poignant reminder of what had been lost. The gathering moved outside to release paper lanterns into the sky, each lantern carrying a message of love and remembrance written by mourners.

The sight of the lanterns drifting upward into the fading light was both beautiful and heartbreaking. Aiden released the last lantern, watching it ascend higher into the sky, a symbol of his love and loss. "I will always love you, Elise," he whispered, a vow to remember her forever.

After the somber memorial service for Elise, y/n found Aiden alone in the quiet of the family library, his eyes lost to the pages of a book he wasn't really reading. She quietly approached him, the weight of their loss making each step heavier.

"Aiden," she said softly, reaching out to gently close the book in his hands. "I can't even begin to imagine how you must feel, but I want you to know I'm here for you, always."

Aiden looked up, his eyes glossy with unshed tears. "It's hard, y/n," he managed to say, his voice breaking with grief. "It feels like I can't breathe, like I'm stuck in this nightmare."

"I know," y/n replied, her voice tender. "And I'm so sorry. But I promise you this, Aiden—we will find justice for Elise. We'll make them pay for taking her from us."

Aiden nodded, a fragile smile breaking through his grief for a moment. "I know we will. I'm glad you're here. Having you with me, it gives me strength."

Holding his hands tightly, y/n reassured him with a determined nod. "Together, we'll get through this. We're a family, and we'll stand against whatever comes. Elise will be avenged."


The atmosphere in the dimly lit study of Malfoy Manor was thick with tension, the ornate room bathed in the shadows cast by the flickering flames in the fireplace. Lucius Malfoy, his expression a mask of controlled fury, paced before his son, his silver cane clicking ominously on the cold stone floor.

"By choosing to side publicly with Grants, you've not only endangered yourself but have put the safety of our entire family at risk," Lucius spat, his eyes piercing through the semi-darkness, glaring at Draco.

Draco, his posture rigid and defiant, stood his ground against his father's intimidating presence. The resolve in his eyes was clear as he answered, his voice steady and resolute, "I love her, Father." The declaration seemed to hang in the air, weighted with defiance and Draco's unspoken commitment.

The response elicited a swift, sharp slap across Draco's face from Lucius. The sound echoed, a harsh strike that seemed to reverberate through the room. "Love?" Lucius sneered, his voice dripping with contempt. "You dare defy the plans we have laid, the alliances we have made, for a childish infatuation? Love is a weakness, Draco—a dangerous distraction."

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