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As the Quidditch World Cup approached, the excitement in the air was electric. The Grants received personalized invitations from the Minister of Magic to sit in the prestigious Ministry box. Aiden, leveraging his influence, secured an additional seat for his cousin Harry, ensuring he could join them for the event.

The day of the Quidditch World Cup was finally here, and the atmosphere was buzzing with excitement. Harry walked alongside the Grants towards the Ministry box, feeling a mix of anticipation and hesitation. The path to the Ministry box was filled with eager spectators, and among them were the Malfoys, trailing just behind.

As they approached the entrance, Draco's sneering voice cut through the air. "Enjoy it while it lasts, Potter," he barked, his eyes glinting with malice.

Harry turned to face him, his expression calm but firm. "Actually, Malfoy, I'm not interested in the Ministry box. I'm going to watch the game with my friends-the Weasleys."

Draco's smirk widened, his mockery evident. "That's where you belong. You'll be the first to know when it rains," he mocked, the words dripping with disdain.

Aiden, sensing the tension, stepped in with a diplomatic tone. "It's unfortunate that you won't be with us, Harry, but no pressure. Enjoy the game with your friends."

Y/N, standing next to her brother, glanced between Harry and the Malfoys. Resolute, she made a decision. "I'm going with Harry too. The Weasleys have extra tickets." She had grown accustomed to the opulence of the Ministry box, but the prospect of experiencing the event from a different vantage point, alongside her cousin, held its own allure.

Draco's eyes narrowed, and before she could move, he grabbed her wrist, his grip firm. "Where do you think you're going, Grants?" he demanded, his voice low and intense.

Y/N looked up at Draco, her expression a mix of determination and defiance. "I'm going to watch the game with Harry and the Weasleys. Let go of me, Draco."

But Draco intervened. "No, Y/N, you should stay here. This is where we belong," he insisted, his tone resolute.

His words cut through the air, laden with the weight of expectation and tradition. "Y/N, it's a shame for the Grants name to be seen down there with lower-class families," he remarked, his tone firm and unwavering.

Aiden and Aurora, echoing Draco's sentiment, nodded in agreement, their expressions reflecting a shared concern for the family's reputation. "Draco's right, Y/N. We need to consider the image we project," Aiden interjected, his voice tinged with a sense of responsibility.

Aurora, ever the voice of reason, added her perspective. "You should stay, Y/N. It's for the sake of the family name," she advised, her words carrying the weight of familial duty and pride.

Y/N's heart sank at their collective insistence, the weight of their expectations pressing down upon her. She understood the importance of upholding the family's reputation, but the prospect of sacrificing her own desires for the sake of appearances left her feeling conflicted.

In the end, Y/N bowed to their wishes, her resolve steeled by a sense of duty and obligation. With a heavy heart, she settled into her seat, resigned to her role in preserving the sanctity of the Grants name. Yet, even as she watched the match unfold from the Ministry box, her mind lingered on the missed opportunity to share in the excitement with her cousin and the rest of their friends.

Y/N sat between her mother and sister, their presence offering a familiar comfort amidst the bustling excitement of the World Cup event. Yet, as she stole glances across the stadium, her heart sank at the sight of Draco seated beside Hope, his new companion. It was a stark departure from their usual arrangement, and a pang of jealousy gnawed at Y/N's insides.

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