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As Y/N and Harry stepped through the grand entrance of Grants Manor, they were enveloped in a sense of warmth and familiarity. Cataleya, Aurora, and Aiden were waiting for them in the foyer, their faces lit up with smiles as they greeted their returning family members.

"Y/N! Harry! It's so wonderful to have you home for Christmas," Cataleya exclaimed, her voice filled with genuine warmth as she enveloped them both in a motherly embrace.

Aiden followed suit, stepping forward with a smile to greet them. He wrapped his arms around his little sister, holding her close. "Welcome home, my princess," he murmured softly, pressing a kiss to her forehead before turning to Harry and giving him a quick hug. "And you too, Harry. It's always a pleasure to have you here."

Aurora, elegant and graceful as ever, approached them next. She embraced both her sister and her cousin. "Indeed, it's lovely to have you both here," she said, her voice soft and melodious. "I hope you're both ready for a festive and relaxing holiday."

Y/N returned her family's embraces, feeling a rush of warmth and love despite the tumult of emotions swirling inside her. It was nice to finally be home, surrounded by the familiar comforts of family and the warmth of their love.

As they made their way into the cozy sitting room, the sound of crackling fire greeted them, casting a warm glow over the room. They settled into comfortable armchairs, surrounded by the familiar sights and sounds of home.

Cataleya poured them all steaming cups of hot cocoa, her eyes twinkling with maternal affection as she passed them around. "Here you go, dears. Nothing like a cup of cocoa to warm you up on a chilly winter's day."

Y/N took a sip of her hot chocolate, the rich, velvety sweetness soothing her frazzled nerves. But despite the festive atmosphere and the warmth of being home, her mind was troubled by the truths she had just learned – truths about her past, about her father's death, that her family had been hiding from her.

As Aiden noticed the furrow of worry on Y/N's brow, he approached her with a gentle expression. "What's troubling my little princess?" he asked softly, his tone filled with concern.

Y/N hesitated for a moment, her emotions swirling inside her like a turbulent storm. "The truth," she replied, her voice barely above a whisper. "The truth you've been hiding from me all these years, Aiden. That's what's troubling me."

Aiden's brows furrowed with concern as he reached out to comfort her. "What truths?" he inquired gently, his eyes searching hers for any hint of pain or distress.

Y/N met his gaze, her eyes filled with a mixture of sadness and frustration. "Professor Dumbledore showed me everything the night our father died," she explained, her voice trembling slightly with emotion. "I've seen the memory. I've seen how Voldemort tried to take me. It turns out he's been after me since I was a baby, and I didn't know until a few weeks ago."

Cataleya cast a concerned glance at Aiden, her eyes silently conveying the weight of the situation. With a gentle sigh, she turned back to Y/N, her voice filled with maternal warmth. "Sweetheart, we know this is difficult for you to hear," she began, her tone soft and soothing. "But please understand, everything we did, we did out of love for you."

Aiden nodded in agreement, his expression reflecting both sympathy and regret. "Yes, Y/N," he added, his voice gentle yet firm. "We kept the truth from you to protect you, to shield you from the horrors of our past."

Y/N's brow furrowed with frustration, her emotions churning inside her like a tempest. "But why?" she questioned, her voice tinged with hurt and confusion. "Why keep such a monumental secret from me? Why deny me the truth about my own family?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08 ⏰

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