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On a bright and mischievous morning at Grants Manor, 8-years-old Draco and Y/N were gearing up for their Defense Against the Dark Arts lesson. However, they had a little more than just learning on their minds; they had planned a prank on their new tutor, Mr. Thistlewood, who was known for his stern demeanor and thick, bushy eyebrows.

As Mr. Thistlewood entered the grand study, he found it unusually dark. Frowning, he moved towards the windows to draw back the heavy curtains. Little did he know, Draco and Y/N had rigged a bucket of glitter above the window. As he pulled the curtains, a shower of sparkling glitter cascaded down on him, coating him in a shimmering mess. The stern tutor stood there, stunned and blinking, his once dark attire twinkling in the morning light.

Unable to contain their giggles, Draco and Y/N burst from their hiding place behind a large armchair and dashed out of the room, their laughter echoing through the corridors of the manor. They ran through the open doors into the gardens, the fresh air whipping past them as they continued to laugh, thrilled with the success of their prank.

However, the jubilation was cut short when Draco, looking back to make sure Mr. Thistlewood wasn't following, didn't see the small rock in his path. He tripped and fell, scraping his knee on the rough stone path. His laughter turned to a cry of pain as he clutched his injured knee, grimacing.

Y/N, immediately by his side, knelt down. "Oh, Draco, let me see," she said, her voice laced with concern. Seeing the scrape on his knee and the blood beginning to well up, she didn't hesitate. Remembering her innate ability to perform wandless magic, she focused intently, her small hands hovering over the wound.

As Draco watched, the pain began to ebb, and he could see the scrape slowly healing, the skin knitting itself back together until only a faint mark remained. He looked up at Y/N in awe, his grey eyes wide. "That was brilliant, Y/N! Thank you," he murmured, his previous bravado softened by her care.

Y/N, relieved, smiled back at him. "You're welcome, Draco. We have to take care of each other, right?"

"Right," Draco agreed, helping himself up with Y/N's assistance. They stood for a moment, looking at each other with a serious intensity uncommon for children their age.

"Promise me, Y/N, that we'll always be best friends, no matter what," Draco said earnestly, his hand outstretched.

Y/N placed her small hand in his, her expression equally serious. "I promise, Draco. Best friends for life."

With their pact made, they walked back to the manor side by side, ready to face the consequences of their prank, but more importantly, secure in the knowledge that they had each other's backs, today and always..


In the ornate sitting room of Grants Manor, with its high ceilings and views of the lush gardens, Cataleya and Narcissa found themselves sharing a quiet cup of tea. The atmosphere was tense, not just from the children's latest mischief, but from what Narcissa had witnessed outside.

Cataleya, always the picture of elegance, was visibly nervous as she set down her teacup, the fine china clinking slightly. "Narcissa, I must admit, I am quite concerned. You've seen Y/N's abilities. It's imperative that her gifts remain a secret."

Narcissa, her demeanor calm and composed, nodded understandingly. "Cataleya, I've seen Y/N perform wandless magic several times when she's been with Draco. But you have my word, I've not spoken a word of it to anyone. These walls, in this manor or mine, will keep her secret safe."

Cataleya's eyes searched Narcissa's, looking for reassurance. "It's just that she's so young, and her powers are already so strong. I worry about the attention it could draw, not all of which would be benign."

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