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As the days passed, the weight of the truth Y/N had just discovered began to lighten. Her initial shock and despair gradually gave way to a resolute determination. Her mind raced with plans and strategies to uncover the identity of the Death Eater who had murdered her father. She was consumed by the need for justice, her thoughts constantly churning with possibilities and avenues to explore.

Draco's constant presence by her side made this burden easier to bear. His quiet support and the familiar comfort of his company were like anchors in the storm of her emotions. His loyalty and devotion were unwavering, and she found solace in their late-night conversations and shared moments of quiet understanding.

However, a new ache began to grow in her heart. She often saw Draco with Hope, their interactions sparking gossip among the students. Rumors of Draco and Hope dating spread like wildfire, and every whispered comment or shared glance between them was like a dagger to Y/N's heart. Her pride prevented her from admitting how much it hurt, how desperately she wanted Draco for herself.


After enduring yet another excruciatingly pointless Defense Against the Dark Arts class with Umbridge, Y/N and her cousin Harry emerged from the classroom, frustration etched on their faces like a permanent mark. They exchanged glances, the shared annoyance evident in their expressions as they stepped out into the corridor.

"Can you believe her?" Harry muttered, his tone filled with exasperation. "I've had it with Umbridge's nonsense. We need a real Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher."

Y/N nodded in agreement, her frustration mirroring Harry's. "Absolutely. But until we get one, why don't we take matters into our own hands?"

Harry raised an eyebrow, intrigued by Y/N's suggestion. "What do you mean?"

Y/N's eyes sparkled with a newfound determination. "Why don't we teach each other? We have the experience from our training with the Order over the summer. We could use that to teach others how to defend themselves."

Harry's expression brightened as he caught on to her idea. "That's brilliant, Y/N! Our own secret organization, training students to protect themselves."

"That's it, Harry," Y/N said, a sense of excitement bubbling within her. "We need to tell the others and gather as many allies as we can."

Harry grinned, the pieces falling into place. "What do you say we call it Dumbledore's Army?"

Y/N's smile matched Harry's as she nodded enthusiastically. "I love it. Dumbledore's Army it is. It's a fitting tribute to everything Dumbledore stands for"


After their Potions class with Snape, y/n and her cousin walked briskly toward the courtyard, eager to clear their heads and discuss something important. The crisp autumn air filled their lungs as they approached their usual meeting spot, where the rest of their friends were already gathered, lounging on the stone benches and scattered across the grassy edges of the courtyard.

Their friends greeted them with various nods and smiles as they approached. There was a palpable sense of urgency in the air, a feeling that things were about to change.

"We need to talk about something important," Harry began, his expression serious as everyone's attention turned toward him. y/n stood by his side, nodding in agreement.

Hermione, ever the perceptive one, leaned forward, her brows furrowed. "This is about Umbridge, isn't it? And how she's refusing to teach us anything useful in Defense Against the Dark Arts?"

"Exactly," Harry confirmed. "We can't just sit around while she feeds us Ministry-approved nonsense. We need to take matters into our own hands if we're going to be prepared."

Heartbreakingly Beautiful - Draco Malfoy x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now