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As the sun set over Grants manor, transforming the sky into a canvas of gold and purple, Aiden's wedding evening unfolded with enchanting elegance. Lanterns strung throughout the gardens cast a gentle glow, illuminating the lively guests who danced under a canopy of stars to the soft melodies of a string quartet. The atmosphere was filled with joy and laughter as y/n, her spirits lifted by the love surrounding her, danced away her sorrows alongside family and friends. Tables adorned with candles and wildflowers complemented the sumptuous spread of foods and the stunning wedding cake that stood as a centerpiece. As fireworks lit up the night sky, the vibrant bursts mirrored the renewed hope and happiness in y/n's heart, marking the evening with both celebration and a poignant reminder of life's continued joys amidst personal trials.

As the Malfoys made their grand entrance, the atmosphere subtly shifted. Hope walked alongside them, and y/n couldn't help but notice an odd exchange of glances between her and Lucius Malfoy, though she quickly dismissed it, her attention overwhelmingly captured by Draco. He looked strikingly handsome in a sharp, well-tailored suit, the subtle gleam of silver rings on his fingers catching the light as he moved. Y/n found herself mesmerized, watching him with an intensity that blocked out the surrounding chatter and laughter. Each gesture he made seemed deliberate and alluring, and despite the festive environment, her focus narrowed solely to him, reigniting a mix of old emotions and undeniable attraction that she struggled to keep at bay.

As Harry, dressed in an expansive elegantly tailored suit—a gift from his affluent Aunt— sat with y/n, the two sipped wine under the soft glow of fairy lights strung across the lush garden. They shared light, comfortable conversation, basking in the joyful ambiance of Aiden's wedding. However, the atmosphere shifted subtly as Draco Malfoy approached their table. His tall, lean figure was immaculately dressed in a sharp suit that accentuated his aristocratic demeanor. Despite the years and the maturity that had settled on both of their shoulders, there remained an undercurrent of tension between Harry and Draco, born of a long history of rivalry and complicated reconciliation.

Sensing the potential for discomfort, Harry set down his glass with a polite nod and excused himself, leaving y/n alone with Draco. The air seemed to thicken around her as Draco took the seat Harry had just vacated. His gray eyes, usually so piercing and guarded, held a softer expression as he turned to her.

"How have you been holding up? You know... well... since Digorry's death?" Draco's voice was gentle, yet it carried an undercurrent of genuine concern that y/n wasn't expecting. It disarmed her, pulling her out of the practiced cheer she'd been displaying.

Y/n, feeling an unexpected knot in her throat, managed a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes. "I'm fine," she lied smoothly, a response she had given too many times to count. But the Malfoy heir wasn't convinced, his gaze piercing.

"You used to tell me everything. We shared all our secrets, even the silly fears," Draco reminisced, his voice tinged with a wistfulness that seemed to stretch the space between them even further. "What happened to us, y/n?"

Her heart tightened at the question, a swirl of memories flooding back—laughter shared in hidden corners of the manor, confessions whispered under starlit skies, promises made but not kept. "We're not children anymore, Draco," she responded quietly, her voice steady despite the turmoil inside. "Everything is changing, including us. We've grown worlds apart."

"I was just trying to check on you." Draco's expression softened, his usual mask of aloofness slipping to reveal a trace of the old friend she once knew.

Then, unexpectedly, he leaned in slightly, as if drawn by the gravity of their shared past. "You look heartbreakingly beautiful, Grants," he murmured, the same compliment he had given her the night of the Yule Ball, when they had danced under the stars in the astronomy tower. The memory of that night was vivid, etched in a corner of her heart that still ached for simpler times.

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