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In the Astronomy Tower, the night sky was a canvas of twinkling stars. Y/N and Draco stood side by side, their telescopes set up as they prepared for the evening's lesson. Their professor had tasked them with mapping out the constellations, and the two friends were determined to excel.

Draco, with his characteristic confidence, made precise adjustments to his telescope, while Y/N, with her innate talent, quickly identified the major constellations. They worked seamlessly together, their years of pre-Hogwarts education showing in their effortless collaboration. As they finished their assignment, Draco pointed out a lesser-known star cluster to Y/N, who nodded appreciatively and marked it down on their map with detailed accuracy.

Professor Sinistra, who had been observing their work, approached them with a proud smile. "Excellent work, both of you. Five points to Slytherin for your outstanding effort and precision."

The Slytherins in the class cheered quietly, and Y/N felt a warm glow of satisfaction. Draco, ever the proud friend, smirked with his usual self-assuredness, giving Y/N a light nudge.

Meanwhile, across the room, the Golden Trio whispered among themselves, watching the scene unfold.

"Your cousin is brilliant," Hermione remarked, her voice filled with genuine admiration. "She really knows her stuff."

Harry nodded, his expression thoughtful. "Yeah, but it's because she and Malfoy had an expensive education before coming to Hogwarts. Y/N once mentioned that Narcissa and Cataleya regularly brought in tutors to teach them."

Ron frowned slightly, but then his expression softened. "But Y/N is special, Harry. She's exceptionally daring, especially for a Slytherin. If we could befriend her, she might be a huge help."

Hermione agreed, her eyes alight with the possibilities. "We could definitely use her help in finding the Stone. But the problem is, she and Malfoy are inseparable. Wherever she goes, he follows."

Harry sighed, the weight of their dilemma heavy on his shoulders. "I've spent time with her, and she's nothing like him. She's kind and fair. But I'm afraid her loyalty to him might be a barrier. She cares about him a lot."

Ron leaned closer to Harry, his voice a conspiratorial whisper. "We should befriend her and talk to her more often. She's got to see we're not all bad."

Harry sighed, glancing over at Y/N. "You think Malfoy will let you do that? He doesn't leave her side. Just watch."

Gathering his resolve, Harry approached Y/N, who looked up with a warm smile, clearly eager to bond with the cousin she had just discovered. "Hey, Y/N," Harry greeted her, his voice friendly.

Before Y/N could respond, Draco stepped in, his expression darkening. "What is it, Potter? Failed your assignment and looking for a clever partner? What a shame. She's my best friend, and we only work together."

Harry's jaw tightened, but he kept his tone calm. "I just wanted to talk to her, Malfoy."

Draco sneered, his tone dripping with disdain. "Well, you can't talk to your superiors, Potter."

Y/N frowned, her gaze shifting to Draco with a mix of confusion and frustration. "Why are you saying that, Draco? Harry is family."

Draco's eyes flashed with irritation, and he grabbed Y/N by the wrist, pulling her away. "Nonsense. Let's go, Y/N," he demanded, his grip firm as he led her out of the tower.

Y/N glanced back at Harry, her eyes filled with a silent apology as she allowed Draco to pull her away. She felt torn between her loyalty to her childhood friend and her desire to get to know her cousin better. The tension between her and Draco was palpable, and she couldn't ignore the growing rift in their friendship.

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