Teen Wolf Movie: Part 2

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We all hopped in Scott's car, but not me; I couldn't just leave my rental car in the middle of the woods. Malia was driving, and I was following her. Her driving hadn't gotten any better, but then again, in the certain situation, who would? Allison is alive, and she looks exactly like Allison, like she arose from the dead. How is that even possible? There were so many questions running through my head, and the lack of answers was giving me a major headache. I remembered Uncle Chris had Allison cremated, so how is she even alive from ashes?

We pulled up at the hospital, which made sense. Being a dead-alive girl, she'd be given to the hospital to make sure the dead-alive girl is real, right? "She's alive," we rushed in, and I saw Melissa. Her face had a shocked look on it. I could already feel her warm, motherly love, but her grin quickly dropped when she saw her son carrying Allison in.

"Mom, we got a problem," he says. She scanned 'Allison' over. "She looks just like Allison," Melissa says in utter shock and confusion. "Why, Scott, does she look exactly like Allison?"

"You really want to know?" I said, considering this is Beacon Hills; I'm sure nothing surprises her anymore. "Just get her inside," she says, rushing us to a room so no one else would notice a registered dead girl looking very much alive.

Melissa had us wait outside while she did a check-up on her. All of us didn't say a word. What could we say, really, when we didn't even have answers for what just happened? I kept staring at her in awe, repeating 'Allison' over and over like it was some ritual for her to wake up and come back to us... to me. Melissa came back over to us; we all stood waiting for her next words.

"I checked her vitals. Everything's normal, at least normal for a woman who's been dead for 15 years," Melissa says.

"Maybe we should cut her open and then see if she's normal inside," Malia responds.

I loudly sighed. "Malia, please," I said. She got the message and stopped talking. "How do we know she's OK? I mean, not just physically but mentally?" I asked, getting back to the more serious questions.

"How do we know this is Allison? Hm? Really Allison?" Melissa asked, looking at all of us, but she was right; that question was something we really couldn't answer.

"We don't," Lydia said, saying what I was thinking. "This wasn't exactly part of the plan."

"Maybe our first step is simply talking with her. Since she doesn't appear to be injured, we're probably OK to try waking her up," Melissa says, trying to come up with something rational that made sense. But my attention turned to Allison's room when I noticed no one was in there.

"Uh... guys," I rushed over to the room. It was simply empty. "I think she's awake," I said, looking down at the broken IV that was placed in her arm.

We started running around looking in rooms to find her, but so far, we were coming up empty. Why would she even run away from us in the first place? We split up to cover more ground. I could hear fighting going on from the other side. I ran over and found Scott and Allison fighting. She was about to throw a pair of scissors at him.

"Allison!" I yelled her name. She stopped and turned, looking at me, giving me a questionable look, but turned back and threw the scissors anyway, running past me. I froze, not knowing what to do. I couldn't fight her; my body wouldn't let me. She went and took the elevator down while Scott and I ran to the stairs and tried to stop her in her tracks. By the time we got down, we already saw her running past in the hallway.

"Wait," the voice screamed out. I knew that was Uncle Chris. I ran and quickly stopped him from going after her, not knowing if she would kill him or not.

"Hey. Allison, she's alive," I said to him. His eyes were still glued on where Allison was. I guess hoping she would run back for him.

"She's back," Scott says behind me.

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