Teen Wolf Movie: Part 4

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Trying to stop Stiles' bleeding, I could see he was pale, but his heart was still steady for now. My hands were covered in his blood. I ripped my jacket and pressed it against Stiles' wound. He winced in pain, and I gripped his hand, trying to take away some of his agony.

"You're gonna be okay," I whispered.

I wanted to attack Harris, but I was terrified he would turn and shoot Lydia, Stiles, or even Jackson. Lydia had to scream.

"Go ahead, watch your friends suffer," Harris said with a smirk. Lydia stared into the portal, looking hopeless. I turned to see the fight. Allison was helping Scott against the Oni, and Eli looked startled. If Allison was helping Scott, did that mean she remembered? But Scott was on the floor, injured, surrounded by multiple Oni.

"Fight, Allison. Come on," Lydia muttered.

"She'll hear you. Mountain ash doesn't work on banshees," I told her, but I could see her hesitation. I got up from helping Stiles. "Allison is alive. Our best friend is alive, and she's out there fighting for her life. I'm not leaving you, but we can't lose her again. She'll hear you. Lydia, she'll hear you." She looked at me with that familiar determination, then walked past me and the mountain ash. Harris tried to stop her, but I grabbed his arm, pushed the gun away, twisted his other arm behind his back, and shoved him to the floor.

"Allison!" Lydia wailed.

Everyone covered their ears, including us, but Allison's look of realization came to light. Harris loosened his grip and started running for the gun. I tripped him, pulling his legs away from the weapon.

"Stella!" Jackson yelled my name. I turned to him. He threw me a knife, and I caught it, stabbing Harris in the leg. He screamed in pain. I wasn't going to let him live. "You fucked with the wrong group," I said, slashing his chest. His heart slowed until it stopped completely. I got off him and helped Stiles up from the floor. Lydia got Jackson. There wasn't much left for us to do; it was all up to them.

We watched through the portal as Derek and Scott held the Nogitsune down with Parrish's help. But if Parrish started burning the Nogitsune, Derek and Scott would get burned too. Derek looked at me, and I knew what he was going to do. He pushed Scott away, and Parrish, hesitant at first, engulfed the Nogitsune in flames, taking Derek with it. His eyes changed from blue to red. He was always a true alpha.

"Dad," I muttered to myself, and just like that, he was gone. The portal closed.

I helped Stiles walk onto the field with the others and brought him to his father. Then I went over to Eli, who knelt on the ground, staring blankly. Everyone was hugging, but it was different for us. I knelt down beside him. He looked up at me, his eyes filled with shock, still trying to comprehend our father's death. He leaped into my arms and started crying. I squeezed him tighter, understanding that feeling. I had felt it with Allison.

"We'll get through this together," I said to him.


A few days later, we held a funeral for Derek at his house. Everyone was there, even Coach. Stiles stood next to me, and Eli was on the other side. He hadn't spoken much since everything had happened. I walked to the front to give a speech.

"Me and my dad had an odd relationship. I did an awful thing when I was a kid, and I never forgave myself, but he did. He never blamed me or hated me, not once. He was always by my side. It took a while for me to even call him my dad, but he was willing to wait. He waited for me to get comfortable with the whole situation. That sour wolf was one hell of a dad. He was there for all of us, protecting us all the way until the end. That's what true alphas do."


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