Chapter 44

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Chris let me borrow the bow and arrow again while he had a meeting with Gerard, trying to convince him to back off. Personally, I think it's a waste of time. He's been trying to end werewolves in Beacon Hills for years; what makes Scott and Chris think he's going to stop now just because we say please?

These past few days, I haven't been able to sleep well, and every time I do, I just see Lori and Brett. It's the same dream over and over; they are yelling my name for help, but no matter what I do, I never get there in time. Their eyes just stare at me. I needed to get my mind off of it and clear my head.

I placed the arrow in its slot and pulled the string back, having my eye on the red circle. I took a deep breath and released. It hit bullseye.

"Nice form," Chris says, coming from behind me. I heard his footsteps a while back, so it didn't surprise me.

"Thanks," I smirked, proud of myself that I still got it. "How did it go?" I turned and looked over at him.

He sighed and just shook his head. "This isn't going to end well, I can tell," he says, looking at me with worry in his eyes.

"You should have killed him when you had the chance," I grabbed another arrow and repeated the same steps, hitting another bullseye.

Chris ignored my comment and just watched me shoot the arrows. "Allison would be proud," he gave me a soft smile, which then slowly disappeared into a serious look. "Stella, you have to protect yourself, okay? This might turn south really quickly, and I don't want you to be in front of it all," his eyes started to get glossy. I could see the hurt in his eyes, thinking he could lose me too.

"I can't promise anything. I'll do what I have to do to protect the people I love," I simply say, and I think he knew I was going to say that.

"You remind me so much of her every day," he sighs, pulling me into a hug. He kisses the top of my head. We just sit there in each other's arms in silence for a bit. For once, I didn't feel alone.———

Chris was able to figure out who Gerard's new protégé is. Her name is Monroe, and she happens to be Liam's new guidance counselor—what a coincidence.

Lydia, being the charming girl she is, was able to talk to Monroe and set up a meeting for her and Scott to talk things out. However, there was one rule: Scott comes alone. Malia wasn't completely comfortable with that rule, so we decided to hide in the back for her not to see us.

Monroe was going on and on about how bad supernaturals were and why she hates them so much. Of course, she had some type of sob story that we had nothing to do with; in fact, we were trying to save her from it. She is still a sorry excuse for a human.

"You shouldn't have come alone!" Monroe says, and Malia darts out to make an entrance.

"He's not alone!" she says. Lydia and I come from behind her.

"Oh, it's great to finally meet the She Wolf or the cursed child, some may say," she smirked at me. I rolled my eyes at her humorous comment.

"Wow, good one. How long did it take you to think of that?" I scoffed at her comment. I turned my attention to Gerard. "Wow, you really did fill her head with a bunch of BS, didn't you?" I chuckled softly. "Get over yourself, Monroe. We all have sob stories, but that doesn't mean you kill innocent kids," I spat at her.

"Ahh, yes, the girl who killed her own family. Good, the Hale family deserved what they had coming. They were no good," she argued, trying to press my buttons, which she accomplished.

"What did you just say?" I yelled at her. I was ready to fully charge at her, but Lydia grabbed my hand, pulling me back, trying to calm me down.

"Hey, hey, hey. We did not come here to fight!" Scott says, stepping in between us.

"Well, then you came here to die!" Gerard instigates.

"We're trying to protect you!" Malia growls, her blue eyes glowing.

"You might want to control your Beta, Scott. She could get you all killed," Gerard calls out to Malia.

"No! You are getting us killed!" I spat at him, Lydia squeezed my hand for me to calm down. I took a deep breath.

"We're not the enemy! There's something else going on. We don't know what it is, but we promise you, there's a bigger problem," Lydia says, trying to break the tension.

"Something worse than supernatural cannibals? Yeah, I know everything now. Wendigos, Oni, Werecoyotes... People being murdered as human sacrifices?" Monroe states.

"We tried to stop those," Scott defends.

"And how many people lost their lives while you were 'trying?'" Monroe snapped.

"Too many," Scott sighs, remembering the many lives lost because of that situation.

"It was twelve!" She raised her voice.

"Yeah, and there could have been more, but we stopped it, right!" I yelled back at her, and she rolled her eyes at me.

"His son was one of them. His throat was cut, and his head bashed in. His brother was a deputy. Gutted and torn apart. The official report read 'animal attack,'" Monroe pointed at the men who lost their loved ones, all I could see was anger in them.

"It's amplifying their fear..." Lydia mutters to me.

"You've all lost somebody, and you wanna get revenge. I get that. But, just listen to me. Something escaped the Wild Hunt—" Scott tries to explain to them, but Lydia yells to get his attention.

"Scott. Scott, it's here! It's here right now." Lydia yells.

The lights started flickering, and the men with guns felt their hearts racing. "Shit!" I cursed. I grabbed Lydia and hid behind a wall just in time; people started shooting around at us. Malia and Scott joined us behind the wall. The shooting stopped for a bit. I took a quick look, and then they started shooting at me again.

"What are we supposed to do now?" I asked, looking at everyone; no one had anything to say.

A vent opened up, and in dropped Parrish. This man always comes at the perfect time. The gunmen tried to shoot at Parrish, but it didn't faze him; he pushed one against the wall, making the guy knock out. Parrish grabbed the supernatural creature that has been causing all this fear and burned it alive.

"Scott, using your words isn't going to get us out of this," I said to him. "All hunters know is violence." Scott just sighed and walked away, but Malia stopped him, and they started talking.

I went over and grabbed Lydia's hand, leading us outside of these tunnels. Lydia had this look on her face that I hate seeing because that means something bad is coming.

"Lyd, what's wrong?" I asked her.

She looked over at me. "I don't know yet, but I just have a bad feeling," she simply said.

Yeah, me too.


I returned home to get some rest, as Scott had suggested we would need it for tomorrow. Unlocking the door to my house, I placed my keys on the hook. Suddenly, I caught a whiff of... blood? I swiftly turned around and flicked on the lights. There was a girl sitting in the kitchen with blood on her face. My eyes widened, and I rushed over, grabbing a damp cloth to wipe the blood off her face. I could sense she was a werewolf.

"Are you her... Are you the she-wolf?" she said weakly.

I scrunched my eyebrows, unsure of how she had arrived here in the first place.

"We need your help," she muttered and then passed out.

What the hell is going on here?

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