Chapter 35

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I was preparing for school, and Allison had already left early for a class, working on a project with someone else. I changed out of my pajamas, opting for jeans and a t-shirt—nothing too flashy.

"Shit!" I cursed under my breath as I looked down at the bottom of my foot and noticed I was bleeding from a thumbtack. I pulled it out and picked up the fallen picture. It featured Malia, Scott, Lydia, and me, but strangely, Allison wasn't in it. Shrugging it off, I placed the picture back on the wall with the others.

I put on my shoes, grabbed my bag, and quickly checked the time. I had 30 minutes until my first class, so I rushed out the door, grabbing my keys and phone. Surprisingly, I made it to school within 10 minutes—a new record.

 Surprisingly, I made it to school within 10 minutes—a new record

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Entering the school, I headed to my usual waiting spot.

After 5 minutes passed, another 5 followed, and then a 10-minute bell rang, yet no one showed up. Suddenly, it dawned on me: who on earth was I waiting for in the first place?

"Stella!" I jumped, almost dropping my books, as Allison appeared with a big grin on her face.

"What are you doing?" she asked, and I turned back to my locker, still a bit perplexed.

"Um, I thought I forgot something, but I guess not," I replied, brushing it off. "I'll see you later," I added, walking past her. What was wrong with me today? I proceeded to my class, expecting the usual routine of normal and boring.

An hour and 30 minutes later, the final bell rang. Fortunately, I only had one more class left, calculus, my least favorite. As I entered through the main door, the scene transformed. It was nighttime, the wind howled, and I tried to turn back, realizing the doors were locked. Whispers and voices surrounded me as I sprinted down the hall.

Taking a deep breath, I closed my eyes, telling myself it was just a dream. However, the voices persisted, growing louder. A mysterious voice in the wind exclaimed, "You know me? Oh, thank God you know me!" I couldn't discern who it was.

"Stella?" A familiar voice called my name, and when I opened my eyes, I was back at school. Liam stood in front of me, his hand on my shoulder, concern in his eyes. Another deep breath, and I assured him, "Yeah, I'm fine. I think I'm going to head home early." I rushed past him before he could inquire further, as I wouldn't know how to answer.

At my car, I stowed my backpack in the back seat and rested my head on the steering wheel, attempting to piece together the fragments of my strange experience. Starting the car, I drove home.

Upon arrival, Allison was nowhere to be found. After a quick meal, I entered my room and fell asleep to 'Criminal Minds'. The events, starting with the mysterious picture, and the enigmatic locker—none of it made any sense. I texted Ms. Maria, letting her know I wouldn't be coming to work today, and thankfully, she completely understood.


I felt my phone constantly vibrating, waking me up. Slowly opening my eyes, I checked my alarm clock, which read 1:23 am. I sighed, hoping to go back to sleep, but then my phone rang, and I quickly picked it up.

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