Chapter 17

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I slowly open my eyes and find Stiles hovering over me.

"Tracy!" I scream, scrambling to get up on my feet. I glance over at her body; she's lying on the floor with silver substance coming out of her mouth.

"What the hell happened to her?" Scott asks, his eyes widening as he looks at me with concern.

"There were these people... They had masks. Um, there... There were... Three of them. I think there were three." I stumble on my words, trying to remember what happened before I blacked out.

"What... What are you talking about?" Stiles asks, looking around and seeing no one in the room.

"They were strong, Stiles. They had a weapon. Stiles, I didn't do this." I feel my eyes water up; I've let everyone down, especially Tracy.

"Okay. She's not changing back. We're going to need to get her out of here," Deaton says, inspecting her claws and tail.

"What, hey... Absolutely not. This is a crime scene. We call the coroner," the Sheriff stops him from taking the body away.

"I think the coroner might be very confused by this girl's severed reptilian tail," Deatons tells him.

"I don't care..." He snaps back.

"You should. Unless you're prepared to hold a press conference announcing the presence of supernatural creatures in Beacon Hills," Deatons says, and everyone goes silent.

"Dad, he's right. Maybe at the clinic, we can figure out how to change her back, then call the coroner?" Stiles suggests, trying to come to an agreement.

"There's a line... There is a line that we have to draw," the Sheriff says, trying to put his foot down and be a 'good' sheriff.

"Dad, you've already crossed it. More than once," Stiles points out.

"Sheriff, please. Let me help. I've dealt with things like this before," Deaton pleads.

"Just do it fast," he sighs. Scott quickly helps Deaton with Tracy's body, and I watch them bring her to the back with her arm dangling.

Stiles POV

We observed as Scott and Deaton took Tracy's body out of the room, attempting to cover up the mess. Suddenly, Stella runs out of the room, and my father and I exchange a questioning look.

"I'll be back," I tell him, quickly running after her. Once outside in the parking lot, I realize she didn't drive here; she ran. I start scanning the parking lot, looking everywhere, but she's nowhere to be found. I pull out my phone and call her, waiting for her to pick up or at least hear a ring from a distance, but there's nothing. I hang up the phone and scream out her name, receiving no answer.

"Stiles!" Scott yells my name, making me jump in surprise. "Let's go, Lydia is in the hospital." I hadn't even noticed the sirens going off. I nod slowly, and we head to my car.

We quickly get in, and I start the engine, which takes a while but eventually roars to life. Pulling out of the parking spot and putting it in drive, we roll down to the hospital. It's a silent drive as I remain focused on where Stella ran off to.

"Stiles!" Scott startles me again. I shake my head, coming back to reality.

"Yeah?" I ask.

"Are you coming?" I look up and realize we're at the hospital in the parking lot. I didn't think I was this zoned out. "Are you okay?" Scott asks me.

"Yeah, just worried about Stella. She left, and I couldn't find her," I tell him, getting out of the jeep. We walk into the hospital together.

"Trust me, Stella can take care of herself," Scott reassures me, patting my back and chuckling a little.

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