Chapter 29

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"Scott," we both turned to Liam; he had a walkie-talkie in his hand.

"Does anyone have eyes on the Closed Unit?" Scott paused, then added, "I need a status report." He said; we all waited for a response, which did not take too long.

"It's a war zone down here," the man radios back. Scott looks over at us with wide eyes, not knowing what to say. I mouthed '10-4' to him, which means you got the message. I only know that because that was a whole lesson in 'Argent school for hunting.'

"Uh... 10-4. And what about the patients? Lydia Martin?" Scott asked; there was a long pause.

"Who is this?" The man asked with curiosity in her voice.

"It's... Unit Nine." Scott stumbles, trying to find the words to say.

"There is no Unit Nine. Who is this?" He asked; Scott didn't explain himself, so he crumbled up the walkie-talkie and threw it to the floor.

"Okay, well shit, we need to find another way in," I said, stepping over the guards, going towards the exit.

"How do we get through the mountain ash?" Liam asked, following behind.

"I don't know yet," I shrugged. "But we need to find a way fast. Not only is Lydia in there, but so is Stiles!"

"But there's somebody else here that might be able to help us," Scott says. I stop in my tracks and turn around, looking at him.

"Who?" Liam and I asked.

"Meredith," he says simply.

"You're kidding, right?" I scoff.

"You got a better option?" He asked me, walking past. I huffed and followed him to Meredith's room.

Scott yanked the door open. Meredith was just sitting there gazing into space. We each got in the room, and Liam sealed the door behind us.

"Meredith?" Scott murmurs to her, trying to get her attention. "It's Scott. Scott McCall. Hey. Meredith, can you hear me? We need your help. We're trying to find Lydia. We're trying to get her out of here," Scott states.

"Scott, I think we better go," Liam announces, peering out the window.

"Meredith, listen. There has to be another way to get to Lydia. We can't get past the mountain ash. How do we find her?" He asked her. She grasped his hand and gently put it behind her neck. "I could hurt you," he warned her, but she doesn't hesitate. "Okay." Scott looks at us. "Hold us off for a while if something happens," he says. He draws out his claws and pierces the back of her neck, tapping into her head.

"You heard him," I take a seat on the bed, waiting for both of them to come back to reality.

Time had passed, and nothing new happened. I mean, there were a few times they would twitch, but nothing ever super serious.

"Stella, we got the company," Liam says, peeping outside the door. I rush up to the window and see 2 workers checking each room.

"Shit," I mumble, seeing them getting closer. "Liam, sta—" He cuts me off.

"I got this!" Liam says. The guards reach our room, rushing over to open it up, but before they could open it, Liam pulls the door open, pushing them against the wall. I quickly grab the handle, pulling it back closed. Liam breaks the scanner so no one can get in unless you have super strength. I turn back around and look at Meredith and Scott.

"Come on," I mutter under my breath. Right when I said that, Scott pulled his claws out of her head, Meredith's eyes roll in the back of her head, the gate behind me opens up. This big buff man was looking over us but quickly fell to the floor.

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