Chapter 34

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Today, as I closed up the shop, engaging in the familiar routine of cleaning brushes and organizing paints, I reflected on the three months of respite I'd had from the constant threat looming over me. Taking up a position at Maria's Paint Shop proved to be a welcome diversion, where my primary responsibility involved teaching children the art of painting and drawing—a truly gratifying experience.

"Stella!" Ms. Maria's voice echoed from the back of the store, prompting me to hasten my steps.

Upon reaching her, she greeted me with a cheesy smile. "What did you do?" I questioned, noticing her hand concealed behind her back.

Revealing her hidden creation—a small painting of both of us—she showcased her masterpiece. Overwhelmed by this heartfelt gesture, tears welled up in my eyes. Life hadn't been kind to me lately, and this small act of kindness meant more than words could express. Taking the painting from her hands, I managed to whisper, "Thanks, Maria," as a tear trickled down my face.

"Awww, mi dulce dulce niña," she embraced me warmly, and I nestled my head against hers. "It's okay. I promise you, my sweet child." Breaking away, I offered a small smile and resumed tidying up the shop.

Ms. Maria, having endured a challenging life herself, had raised her only daughter until she tragically succumbed to cancer at the age of 12. When I initially applied for the job, she hired me instantly, recognizing in me a heart reminiscent of her daughter's, claiming that I even bore a resemblance. Ms. Maria had become a mother figure to me, much like Mama McCall. While I didn't perceive Derek as a father figure, Chris had been a constant source of support, shielding me from the harsh realities of the world.

Interrupted by the vibration of my phone in my back pocket, I was brought back to the present.

Lyd: Meet us at {Location Link}

Rolling my eyes, I dismissed the text. This routine had persisted for nearly two months. Stiles, convinced of supernatural occurrences, would drag us to a location, often misinterpreting a mundane situation as something more ominous. Lydia would typically urge me to join, but the truth was that talking to Stiles was the last thing on my mind right now.

3 Months ago

 I had shared my college choice with everyone except Stiles, anticipating that he would be the most challenging to break the news to. Pulling up at his house, I sat in the car, attempting to gather the courage to face him. I turned on my music, and "Mystery of Love" by Sufjan Stevens started playing. Quickly muting the song, knowing it would complicate things, I spent nearly 30 minutes contemplating before finally exiting the car and heading to Stiles' front door. Retrieving the key from under the mat, I unlocked the door, placing the key back where I found it, and headed straight to Stiles' room.

Upon entering, I found Stiles already cleaning up. "Hey, Stiles," I greeted him with a small smile, and he returned the gesture.

"Come in," he waved me in, struggling to retrieve something under his bed. Rolling my eyes, I raised the bed for him. After he got what he needed, he grinned and thanked me. I sat on the bed, and he joined me.

"So, what did you want to talk about?" he asked, sitting cross-legged. My heart raced, and he noticed, inquiring, "You okay?" When he reached for my hands, I withdrew them, unable to meet his eyes. "Stella, what happened?"

Unable to look at him, I fidgeted with my hands in my lap. "Um... So, I got accepted into UAL," I confessed, still avoiding eye contact. He remained silent for a couple of minutes.

"That's great! Never heard of the school, but that's great news, Stella!" he leaned forward to give me a hug, his enthusiasm evident. As he pulled away, he asked about the location, and I dropped the bombshell.

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