Chapter 23

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"What do you mean, 'No'?" Liam got up slowly, getting right in Scott's face, not even flinching.

"Liam, look at her. She's too weak. It will kill her. We don't even know what the mercury's doing to her. We don't even know if it is actually mercury. This can't be the only way to save her life," Scott looked past him, seeing Hayden getting pale and weak.

"It saved mine." Liam's jaw clenched, and he balled his hand into a fist.

"Hey, you know that was different. You were hanging off a ledge," I grabbed Liam's hand, trying to pull him back, but he yanked mine away from his.

"You promised. You said you'd do everything you could," Liam looked straight into Scott's eyes with rage.

"Which is why I'm not going to do something I think is going to kill her," Scott stops in his tracks, trying to catch his breath. "There has to be... There has to..." He wheezes.

"Scott," Theo throws Scott's inhaler; he immediately inhales it, and his breathing is back.

"There's another way to save her," Scott huffs out.

"Guys, I don't know what the statistics are for surviving a werewolf bite, but she's definitely not surviving this. We need to do something." We all look over at Hayden; she looks way worse than before.

"I'll get a wet towel." I rush over to the closet and grab the towel and went to go get it. I came back into the room and handed it to Liam.

"Okay, for now, we need to call Melissa; she is our best bet." I looked over at Scott; he nodded his head and walks out to give his mom a call.

"Hey, you okay?" Theo asked me. "I, uh, kind of heard you crying in the bathroom earlier." He scratches the back of his neck, looking down at his feet.

"Yeah, just relationship problems, trying to keep my social life and safe people in line." I said with a small chuckle.

"Oh, you heard about Donovan?" He asked me; I nodded my head slowly. Weird, I didn't even bring up his name, but somehow Theo knew.

"How did you know?" I asked him, getting a little suspicious.

"I told Scott; I saw it all happen," He says.

Things aren't adding up; Theo seems to know more things about everyone and everything before we do. This isn't the first time I noticed, like when he knew about me being a 'true alpha' and now this. One is an accident, two is a coincidence, and three is a pattern.

"She will be here in 5 min, Hayden; just hold on," Scott assures her with a small smile. It didn't take long for her to get here.

"Okay, put her on the table," Melissa requested. Liam and Theo lifted her up and laid her softly on the table. She started pulling out a needle and a few other tools.

"What's that?" Liam asked while hovering over her.

"It's called chelation therapy. It removes heavy metals from the blood. But the problem is that it can injure the kidneys, and Hayden only has one to begin with, so..." Melissa says, putting the needle into her veins, which makes her hiss in pain.

"Hey, you're hurting her." Liam grabbed Melissa, pulling her back.

"Watch your hands, pretty boy," I raise up from my spot, staring at him sternly. I could feel Scott's back hit mine, ready for anything. "Down, boy," I put up my hand up for him to back away.

"Sorry." Liam removes his hands from her.

"Hey, guys... Remember, we're here to save a life. Not kill each other," Theo says, looking at both of us.

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