Chapter 21

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"Stella... Stella." I slowly opened my eyes and saw Scott hovering over me.

"Liam and Hayden, they took them," I mumbled weakly, trying to get my strength back. Scott helped me up off the floor and pulled my arm over his shoulder, bringing me to sit down on one of the benches.

"What was the last thing you remember?" Lydia asked me, wiping blood off my forehead.

"Uh, not much... it went all too fast," I muttered, but that was a lie. I remember exactly what happened, especially the part where they called me 'Blue eyes.' The only reason that stood out to me was that one person called me that... Theo.

"We are going to find their scent, see where that leads us," Scott says. I nod my head and let Scott and Malia run off into the woods.

"So the body got taken again, but Stiles is fine... and Theo," Lydia says, giving me a small smile.

"Thanks, Lyd." I return the small smile back to her, bringing my thoughts back to him.

"Hey, I know you and Stiles have been out of it, but just give him time. I mean, it's Stiles. What do you expect?" Lydia chuckled a little, and I joined in. Maybe she is right; it's Stiles, the kid who would run into the woods to find a dead body at night. Maybe I'm just overthinking things.

"Maybe so, but do you know where Theo and Stiles are?" I asked her; I was going to figure out what the hell is going on.

"Not sure. You can call them," she shrugged.

I thanked her for wiping off the blood, but I had to find Theo now. It couldn't wait like last time. I immediately called him when I got into my car, telling him to meet me at the school.

I pulled up in the parking lot, already seeing Theo waiting for me, leaning against his truck. I parked right next to him, stopping the engine, and getting out of my car.

"What did you need?" Theo immediately asked me when I reached him.

"Why did you say 'You're more than just blue eyes' last time?" I asked.

"Why?" He questioned me back.

"Because the Dread Doctors said the same thing before they knocked me out. Theo, I need t-" I was cut off by Theo muttering something under his breath.

"Theo!" I yelled his name, getting frustrated.

"They know!" He yelled back to me.

"What are you talking about?" I asked him, completely confused.

"Uh- There was a rumor going around, I guess you call it the 'wolf community.' They say that, not one but two true alphas in a pack, which is rare. When I heard it was Scott's pack, I couldn't believe it," he sighed.

"But there isn't; it's just Scott?" I was still confused.

"Scott and you... Stella. Well, they called you the huntress wolf," he says slowly.

"No, how... where did you get this from?" I asked him.

"They say it from Deucalion," he shrugged, the alpha pack.

"No, when I met him, I wasn't a full werewolf." I explained to him. How the hell is he about to say I'm a true alpha when I wasn't even a werewolf to begin with? I felt my phone vibrate in my back pocket; I pulled it out and saw Scott texted me to meet him at his house.

"Is everything okay?" He asked me. I nodded my head slowly.

"Um- I have to go." I said, going over to open my door. I started the engine and pulled out of my parking spot, heading over to the house.

The Stella Argent - Stiles Stilinski {Book 2}Where stories live. Discover now