Chapter 15

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I woke up and glanced at the time — great, just one hour until school. I got out of bed, headed to my bathroom, and went through my morning routine: brushing my teeth, washing my face, applying mascara, and fixing up my eyebrows.

Then, I went to my closet and picked out a simple outfit—just jeans, a T-shirt, and my Converse. Leaving my room, I grabbed an apple and my keys, heading out to McDonald's. Usually, I would pick up Stiles, but today he went to gather more information about Theo from his dad, a move that seemed a bit extreme, but it's Stiles, so expectations are different.

I pulled up to the drive-thru.

"Hi, this is McDonald's, how may I help you?" the guy over the speaker said.

"Yes, can I get a number 4?" I replied. He provided the total, and I pulled up to the window, handing over my card to pay. "Thank you," I said, driving off. I began eating on the way to school, finishing my meal quickly. Once I arrived, I parked, turned off the engine, grabbed my backpack, and stepped out. Glancing at my phone, I checked where Stiles wanted to meet.

"Stella!" Stiles yelled, jogging over to me and waving. When he arrived, he gave me a kiss on my forehead.

"Okay, what did you figure out?" I asked him. Before school, he had wanted to learn more about Theo, just Stiles being Stiles.

"He had a speeding ticket," Stiles informed me as we headed towards the school.

"Wait, you did a background check, and all you found was a speeding ticket?" I chuckled a little.

"Speeding ticket signed by Theo's dad eight years ago," Stiles replied, acting like it changed anything about what he found.

"And that means what?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Who speeds? People trying to get away from something," he explained, delving deeper into his thinking.

"How many tickets do you have?" I asked, crossing my arms, raising an eyebrow, and waiting for his answer.

"None," Stiles answered quickly.

"Without your dad getting you out of it," I rolled my eyes.

Stiles started counting in his head. "Seventeen," he said, scratching the back of his head.

"I don't know, Stiles. I mean, I see why you're worried. He's really hot. He's got—" I looked at Stiles; it seemed like his eyes were popping out of his head. "I'm kidding." I kissed him on his cheek, laughing.

"Yeah, now I don't like him even more," he rolled his eyes.

"You know if you want him gone, I know people who can. Not werewolves, if you know what I mean," I nudged him and gave him a wink.

"Stella, we are not 'getting rid' of him," he turned down my offer. Back then, I didn't hang out with the nicest people where I lived. "But I do have a plan. All right? There are steps to doing this."

"Steps?" I asked.

"We get the story, verify the facts. You find the piece that doesn't fit... and catch him in the act. That's how you do it," Stiles informed me. I nodded my head, starting to understand the information.

Stiles looked to the side of me, zoned out. I turned and saw what he was looking at—Theo, smiling and waving at us.

 I turned and saw what he was looking at—Theo, smiling and waving at us

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