Chapter 13

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We finally reached home. I went into my room, took a shower, and changed into my pajamas. Exhausted from the recent events—escaping hunters and my own mother's dangerous intentions—I decided to treat myself to a well-deserved nap.

Waking up, I strolled into the kitchen. It felt oddly quiet, with no sign of Chris. I had the entire apartment to myself, a silver lining to the chaos. At least he was still covering the bills; after all, I was only 17 and hadn't landed a job yet.

I grabbed some chips and settled in front of the TV. The first thing that popped up was "Catfish." I loved this show; it had a mix of humor and sadness that somehow resonated with me.


Glancing at my phone, I noticed the caller ID displaying 'Stilinski❤️.' I never got around to removing the heart emoji from his name.

"Hello, Stilinski," I greeted with a smile through the phone.

"Hello, ummm?" Stiles sounded uncertain about which last name to use.

"Argent Hale. I know I have a batshit crazy mother, but she's still my mother. Chris and Allison have always been there for me. I just met my father, but he's still my blood. He's done more for me in the little time I've known him than my mother has my whole life," I explained, grabbing a handful of chips.

"That makes sense, but anyways, what are you doing right now?" Stiles asked, his voice filled with excitement.

"Watching TV and eating chips. What's up?" I inquired.

"Wanna go out?" he suggested eagerly. Glancing at the time on my phone—'9:20'—I was about to ask about the plans, but he quickly cut me off.

"I'm already outside, but take your time," he said. I ran over to the window, looked down, and there he was, leaning against his Jeep. Stiles looked up, waved, and threw in a wink for good measure.

"Okay, give me like 10 minutes," I responded before hanging up. I hurried to my room, opting for a band T-shirt that I tied at the end. High-waisted jeans and Adidas completed the look. I pulled my hair out of its messy bun and gave it a quick brush, leaving it in loose waves. A touch of makeup, a final glance in the mirror, and I was out the front door.

I rushed out to the car, and Stiles greeted me with a big smile on his face.

As we drove, I realized he hadn't told me where we were going, but I welcomed the suspense. Finally, we reached our destination, and Stiles slowly pulled into the woods.

"Wait, Stiles, are we doing some werewolf stuff?" I crossed my arms, raising an eyebrow at him.

"No," he chuckled. "Just follow me." We both got out of the car, and he grabbed my hand, leading me further into the woods. Twinkle lights became visible, and as we got closer, I saw blankets and pillows on the floor beneath a tent. Candles were lit, and then he brought out a DVD.

"Well, since you've never seen Star Wars, I thought we could watch the first one together." We sat down on the blankets.

"Stiles, this is amazing," I gasped, taking in the scene. From up there, you could see all of Beacon Hills.

"Yeah, I got a little help from Lydia," Stiles said, looking around and scratching the back of his neck. "Oh, it gets even better." Stiles brought out a picnic basket with all of my favorites – Oreos, Hot Cheetos, pickles, a meatball sub, and Sprite. He put Star Wars into the computer, and it started playing. We sat there quietly, and I got comfortable, laying my head in his lap as he softly stroked my hair.

The movie ended, and surprisingly, I liked it. I got up from my position and looked at Stiles.

"So, what do you think?" he asked, waiting impatiently for my answer.

"It was... actually pretty good," I smiled.

"That's what I've been trying to tell you guys," he said, throwing up his hands.

The night air was filled with a mix of tension and possibility as Stiles and I sat on the hood of his Jeep after a particularly harrowing encounter with the supernatural. The stars above seemed to twinkle with secrets, and Stiles, the perpetual jokester and voice of reason, took a deep breath before breaking the silence.

"Stella, you've been back for a while now, and I was wondering... Are you ready for the dating scene again?" Stiles asked, his eyes a mix of nervousness and hope.

Caught off guard but intrigued by the question, I couldn't help but smile. "Yeah, Stiles, I think I am."

Stiles' grin widened, and in that moment, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small, simple ring. There was something unassuming yet charming about it. He looked into my eyes, his voice filled with both uncertainty and determination, "Stella, will you be my girlfriend?"

My heart skipped a beat, and warmth spread through me. "Yes, Stiles. I'd love to be your girlfriend."

He gently took my hand, and with careful precision, slid the ring onto my finger. It fit perfectly. As I admired the simplicity of the ring, Stiles suggested, "Turn it around."

Curious, I did, revealing the engraved initials 'S+S' on the inside. My eyes widened in surprise.

"How long have you had this?" I asked, my voice filled with awe.

"Since you left for France," Stiles confessed. "I just had this feeling that, no matter what, we would end up together—even if it's in a different universe."

His words hung in the air, and I was moved by the depth of his feelings. As I looked at Stiles, I realized that the simple yet meaningful ring symbolized more than just a commitment; it signified our connection, one that transcended the supernatural challenges we faced.

Under the vast expanse of the night sky, Stiles and I sealed our new beginning. The ring became a tangible reminder of our shared journey, and as we embraced the uncertainty ahead, we found comfort in the belief that our connection was something truly extraordinary.

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