Chapter 14

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Summer had come to an end, signaling the return to school. I bid farewell to all my friends in France and even made new acquaintances. The flight back was a bit turbulent due to a storm, exacerbating the already challenging traffic.

"Are you getting any service?" I inquired of the taxi driver.

"No, mama," he replied, displaying his screen with a perpetually spinning wheel.

"Shit," I muttered under my breath. Exiting the car, I attempted to raise my phone to find reception, but it seemed futile. Now, I was at risk of being late for the senior event that Stiles had reminded me about every day.

"I'm not getting anything either," a fellow passenger shouted over the thunder. I gave him a small smile and returned to the car.

"We haven't moved for 15 minutes," I sighed, rolling my eyes as I surveyed the stagnant traffic.

"Tell me about it," he scoffed, reclining in his seat and closing his eyes.

"Fuck it, I'm walking," I decided, pulling money from my pocket and handing it to the driver. "Thanks." I was about to leave when the rain started pouring. "I'll walk in a few minutes," I chuckled, the driver shaking his head and pocketing the money.

Minutes passed, and I was still in the taxi. A familiar-looking motorcycle zoomed past us. Acting swiftly, I exited the car while the rain continued.

"Scott!" I called out. The motorcycle halted abruptly, and Scott removed his helmet.

"Stella!" he grinned, and I ran up to him, embracing him tightly. We hadn't spoken much since I left, with only a few texts exchanged.

"Stiles said you weren't answering your phone. We thought the storm messed up the connections, so I came over," Scott explained, handing me a helmet.

"Let's get the hell out of here," I laughed, taking the helmet and hopping on the back. The storm intensified, prompting Scott to speed up, and we reached the school in just 30 minutes. Scott slowed down upon entering the parking lot, parking the bike. I could see Stiles anxiously staring at his phone.

"I have to go get Kira. I'll meet you guys back here," Scott informed us, hopping off the bike to fetch her. I nodded and approached Stiles, attempting to maintain my composure.

He looked up from his phone, and my entire body heated up. He gave me a big grin, and that's when I couldn't contain myself. I ran up to him, crossed my legs around his waist, and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"I missed you," I muffled into his shoulder.

"I missed you too," he laughed, swinging me around.

I pulled back from his shoulder to face him, meeting his sweet caramel eyes, rosy red cheeks, and soft pink lips, which made me feel safe.

"No kiss?" he asked with a grin. I gave him a kiss that felt amazing, and then jumped off him.

"You smell terrible," I said, scrunching my nose and taking another whiff of him.

"Yeah, it's called anxiety. Should be a familiar scent for you by now, since it's pretty much a constant state for me," Stiles explained.

"Why's this thing so important to you?" I asked, looking at all the seniors walking into the school.

"It's not. It's not. It's uh... I don't know," Stiles stumbled on his words, not completing a full sentence.

"T-t-today, junior," I said, snapping my fingers at him.

"Maybe it is. I asked my dad the other day about his high school friends. Guess how many he still talks to? None. Not a single one. You know, these were his best friends, and he just says he lost touch with them, you know. So I started thinking about things, like I always do," Stiles said.

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