Chapter 8

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School had been canceled due to the viral outbreak. I secluded myself in my room throughout the day and night. Chris knocked a few times, mentioning he was going to assist Scott with something urgent. My phone started malfunctioning due to the barrage of texts and calls, forcing me to turn it off. I was burdened with numerous questions, especially why my eyes were blue instead of their usual yellow hue. There was only one person who could provide the truth.

Changing out of my loungewear, I opted for a tank top, jeans, and a jacket, slipping on my Converse sneakers. I cautiously opened my door, peeking out to ensure the coast was clear. Grabbing my keys, I headed towards Derek's loft.

Seated across from Derek on the couch, I expressed my demand for the unfiltered truth, and he immediately grasped the gravity of the situation.

"I want to know everything, the whole truth," I urged, my gaze fixed on him.

"I suppose you mean about Kate and me... When I was younger, Kate and I had a relationship. I trusted her deeply after losing my first love. I confided in her about my family, the vault, the money—everything. I didn't know she was a hunter. Once she got what she wanted, she vanished. The next time I saw her, she was pregnant with you. I knew you were mine; I didn't need a DNA test to know you were a Hale. I tried to be in your life, but Kate kept pushing me away. I never understood why until my mother revealed the code they abide by—if a family member turns, they either end their own life or are killed," he divulged. I recalled Kate choosing to kill 30 people rather than herself.

"I thought the hunters were after you because they were searching for the 'Shewolf,' but it was your mom," Derek continued.

"Kate," I corrected him.

"Right. So, Chris and I made a pact with the hunters—as long as you didn't harm an innocent, they wouldn't harm you," he assured me.

"But why hide away after the deal? Kate... She threatened me," he stuttered.

"Stiles mentioned my recurring nightmare about a fire. Can you explain them?" Derek redirected the conversation.

"Yeah. It typically starts with hearing my mom crying. I ask her how I can make her stop, and she says we're going on a trip. Suddenly, there's fire and screams, and they're calling my name," I detailed my haunting dreams.

"Remember how our house burned down?" Derek asked. I nodded slowly. "It wasn't an accident. Kate and a little girl set the fire deliberately, dropping a lit match."

"I-I was that little girl... I caused the fire that killed my family," I confessed, feeling a lump forming in my throat. The nightmares about fire finally made sense. "I'm sorry," I choked out, tears streaming down my face. Derek swiftly moved to my side, comforting me as I cried.

 Derek swiftly moved to my side, comforting me as I cried

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"It's not your fault," he whispered to me.

"How could no one tell me this?" I looked up at him, my voice tinged with frustration.

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