Chapter 36

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I found myself in Government class, learning who knows what. I had tuned out the teacher as soon as she mentioned reading page 36. Fortunately, I shared this class with Allison, making it a bit more manageable. She understood my struggle to focus, allowing me to copy her notes once the class concluded. Mr. Reid, aware of the routine, became my second favorite teacher. Coach Finstock held the top spot, his unique teaching style always captivating.

Suddenly, an abrupt howling disrupted the class. I turned and looked at Allison, who glanced up from her notes and then at me.

 I turned and looked at Allison, who glanced up from her notes and then at me

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"Malia..." I muttered, immediately raising my hand.

"Yes, Stella?" Mr. Reid called on me.

"Me and Allison have to go to the bathroom?" I said, getting out of my seat with Ally following my lead.

"One at a time, you know the rules," he sighed, turning his attention back to his lecture.

"Okay, can you provide me a tampon from your desk?" I asked him sarcastically, giving him a small smile.

He rolled his eyes and waved us off. I thanked him, grabbed my stuff, and started sniffing Malia's scent out, which led me down to the boiler room I met her in last night. When we walked in, Lydia, Scott, Sheriff Stilinski, and Ms. Martin were all hanging around in the corner.

"What's going on?" Allison asked. They turned and looked over at us.

"Malia is a full coyote right now," Lydia answered. I fully went down the steps and bypassed the crowd to see Malia in the corner growling at us.

"Malia, it's okay. You're safe," I slowly approached her, but she snapped at me. Allison grabbed my arm, pulling me back.

"Stella, she's not thinking right now," Allison muttered in my ear. I nodded slowly and backed away from her, trying not to frighten her.

"Maybe you should growl back?" The Sheriff looked over at Scott. "You're the alpha. Can you just make her a little more docile?" Scott shrugged and gave it a try, but that only made her more angry.

"Uhh, I don't think that's working," Lydia said, taking a few steps back.

And then it hit me. "She's not the problem. We are. This is her territory. We need to get out of here," I said, realizing she went here for full moons. I turned around and started heading to the doors but stopped to explain why. "Malia came here to get through the full moons. Luckily, we got Lydia's lake house after," I explained to them.

"I thought you said a wild animal got in the lake house," Ms. Martin said, confused, looking over at her daughter.

"Just be happy for the things I don't tell you," Lydia diverted her eye contact from her mother to the floor.

We turned our attention from the awkward conversation to Malia, who was fully herself again, but she was naked. Scott and Sheriff quickly moved their eyes from her to the door in the boiler room. Mrs. Martin handed Malia her clothes back so she could get dressed.

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