Teen Wolf Movie: Part 2.5

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As we finally pulled into the Auto shop, the sight that greeted us was straight out of a nightmare. Two cars engulfed in flames, a fiery harbinger of Allison's arrival. Rain poured down like tears from the heavens, adding to the ominous atmosphere. With urgency coursing through our veins, we dashed out of the car, the chaotic sounds of a struggle emanating from the garage.

Scott wasted no time, yanking the garage door open to reveal Allison, poised with her bow drawn, ready to unleash lethal arrows upon us. "Allison, stop!" I screamed, desperation lacing my voice. She turned her piercing gaze towards me, but before I could blink, the arrow was hurtling towards me. Instinctively, I raised my hand to shield myself, the sharp pain searing through me, yet knowing it would heal, a grim reassurance in the face of danger.

"Grab him!" I commanded Scott, his swift action pulling Eli from harm's way. But as we made a break for the safety of our car, Allison's relentless pursuit didn't falter. With a sickening thud, her arrow punctured our tire, deflating our hopes of escape.

"You've got to be kidding me," I sighed, frustration boiling within me as we sought refuge amidst the maze of vehicles, our only shield against Allison's deadly aim.

"I know you don't remember everything, but if you stop trying to kill us for half a second, I could help you remember!" Scott's plea echoed in the tumultuous air, but I knew it fell upon deaf ears. Allison was consumed by a singular purpose, a relentless drive to eliminate us.

We huddled behind another car, gasping for precious breaths, the weight of our predicament pressing down upon us like a suffocating shroud. "Come on! All right! Hey! We're gonna have to run. I need you to heal," I implored Eli, his frustration palpable in the face of his newfound inability to harness his werewolf abilities.

"Well, you're gonna learn right now," Scott declared, a determined resolve burning in his eyes. There was only one way for Eli to reconnect with his primal instincts, and Scott knew it.

"How?" Eli's confusion mirrored his desperation, but Scott wasted no time. With a primal roar, he unleashed his power, the mark on Eli's face vanishing in a blaze of healing energy, his eyes igniting with feral intensity.

With Eli's ankle now mended, we fled into the forest, our footsteps pounding against the earth as we raced against time and fate. But Eli's struggles became evident, his pace faltering as exhaustion threatened to consume him.

As we reached the shelter of a riverbank, Scott made a solemn decision. "Listen, you two are gonna have to keep going without me," he declared, a hint of resignation in his voice.

"What? That's the first rule in a horror movie—don't split up!" I protested, but Scott's determination was unwavering.

"I have to try to get through to her," he insisted, his eyes betraying a flicker of hope amidst the encroaching darkness.

"Then I'll go with you," I offered, but Scott shook his head, a silent plea for me to understand the gravity of our situation.

"No, I can't risk your safety. If I can't reach her, we'll have to face her head-on. Are you prepared for that?" he asked, his gaze piercing through my resolve.

My heart sank, the weight of the inevitable confrontation bearing down upon me. I couldn't bear the thought of harming Allison, even in self-defense. And as I glanced down at my still-unhealed hand, the venomous truth revealed itself—Allison was no longer the girl we once knew. She was a force of destruction, consumed by the poison of her own vendetta.

"What is that?" Eli gagged, recoiling at the sight of my hand, his fingers instinctively covering his mouth.

"Wolfsbane. She coated the arrowheads in wolfsbane," I explained, the gravity of the situation sinking in as I uttered the words. Allison's descent into darkness was undeniable.

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