Chapter 42

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I waited a few days for Chris to return my call, but he never did. Instead of passively waiting, Malia, Scott, and I decided to take matters into our own hands and visit his hideout. Technically, we aren't breaking in; after all, we're family.

Upon unlocking the bunker, there was no sign of Chris. We split up to search for any clues regarding his whereabouts, but Chris was adept at keeping his location under wraps.

"He's not responding to our calls or texts. Maybe Argent just doesn't want to be found?" Malia remarked, sifting through some papers.

"Maybe, but he wouldn't leave without saying something to me," I replied, glancing at a framed picture of me and Allison from our childhood. The fear that he might have left or was injured crept in; this was the longest he'd gone without contacting me.

"Well, he would have his calendar on his laptop if we crack the password," Scott suggested, opening the laptop reluctantly.

Surprised, I grinned, "Honestly, I didn't think you had it in you." I approached the desk, where the password-protected screen awaited.

"Try 'gun,'" Malia suggested, peering over my shoulder. I entered G-U-N, but it was incorrect.

"What about 'Lots of guns'?" Malia suggested again. I turned to her, a blank expression on my face. "What?" she shrugged.

Rolling my eyes, I returned to the laptop. Malia's proximity was uncomfortable, her breath on my neck, so I asked her to check some boxes for clues.

"Hunter!" Malia shouted from across the room while searching through boxes.

I typed in "hunter," but it was incorrect. Disappointed, I shook my head at her.

"No, it's definitely not 'hunter.' Argent isn't even a hunter anymore. There aren't even hunters for werewolves now. So, why would anyone think there was a hunter in the woods when it was actually just deputies?" Malia made a sly reference to Scott's freak-out the previous night.

"What?" Scott asked, turning towards her.

"Nothing," she muttered. I chuckled at her subtle reference.

"Good one!" I mouthed to her so Scott couldn't hear.

As Malia continued searching in the boxes, I noticed arrowheads next to the laptop. One had the Argent engraving. It suddenly hit me. I typed in Allison's name, and the laptop unlocked immediately. I laughed to myself; after all these years, Chris still hadn't changed his password.

 I laughed to myself; after all these years, Chris still hadn't changed his password

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"I'm in!" I exclaimed joyfully, and Scott and Malia quickly gathered around me. Opening his calendar, I discovered a gun meeting scheduled for tonight. "Well, looks like we've got a meeting to attend," I remarked, typing the location into my phone; fortunately, it wasn't far from our current location. Grabbing the bow and arrow, I decided to bring them along, just in case.
We reached the location where approximately four or five soldiers were inspecting the guns laid out by Chris.

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