Construct-32 : Eva Winters ( III )

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" Ahh....(* burps * ). "

After several minutes, Evolto had finally finished all the food on the table.

' So full.... '

She thought to herself.

" So, how was it? " Asked Adam.

" ...It was...not bad. "

She answered.

" Heh~....after all those potatoes and fish and all I got was 'not bad' ? "

" .... "

Evolto was at a loss for words.

After all, she did just finished a bowl of mashed potatoes as well as a whole pan of fish on her own.

Fortunately, Ashley came to her rescue.

" Geez....Adam, stop teasing the poor girl. "

" bad, my bad. "

He said with a wry smile.

" Well, I'm just happy that you found my cooking good enough to finish everything. "

" Even if its ' not bad ' . " He said.

" ...You made this? "

Evolto asked.

" Of course. If there's one thing I take pride on it's cooking. "

" And frankly....It felt nice cooking again for an extra mouth on the table. "

" .... "

" ...I see... "

Evolto replied briefly.

Ashley then sent a look at her husband.

Seeing the look his wife gave him, as if understanding something his expression changed to a serious one.

Of course, Evolto noticed this.

The seriousness did not last long however, as his expression returned back to one of his usual smile.

He then asked Evolto

" ....By the way, this is probably the right time to ask. "

" .... "

Evolto nodded to the man's words, urging him to go on.

" What are you planning to do after this...? "

Was his question to the white-haired girl.

" I... "

' Actually, I have no idea as well... '

' To begin with, I am severely lacking in knowledge of this world in order to come up with any plan... '

' ....Most importantly, I have no idea where the rest of the Evol Driver is...'

She currently only have the crank component in her possession.

Even then, she doesn't know where it came from as it just appeared randomly when she found it in that abandoned house.

' ....And that's not even the biggest of my worries.... '

' ....The Evol Trigger....and the Pandora Box. '

Without her Evol Trigger, even if she has the both the Driver and the Pandora Box currently, it would be difficult to fully draw upon her full power, as well as the power of the Pandora Box.

" .... "

" ....Do you have anywhere to go...? "

This time, it was Ashley who asked her this.

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